Resting heart rate: 57 bpm (60 second test)
Day: Sunday
Date: 2006-03-05
Weather: Overcast, rainy, 8 m/s wind
Temp: 15.56 C (60 F)
Time: 15:30-16:15
Terrain: flat
Comments: Rainy walking day at the Nimbus Fish Hatchery today. Slept 10 hours and my legs feel almost 100%. Walked slow. Smelled the humid air and the fish. At the Nimbus Dam, I saw the remains of a small bird, long dead, impaled on a coil of razor-wire. :( Walked back across the river, and down to the fish ladder, reading the signs that I could. The Chinook salmon swim upstream from mid-October to December. The fish hatchery operators use weirs to direct them up the fish ladder and into the holding pond area. Most fish are three to four years of age, although some two-year-old fish make it. They die after spawning. The steelheads come a few months after that, I think. The fish hatchery was built in 1955 after the Nimbus Dam construction interfered with the normal spawning areas. I noticed on the large cement posts that span the river there are downward-pointing hooks and grooves for the walkways that are now in storage on the riverbank. The hooks must be for the weirs. On my return to the car, I noticed a flock of blackbirds. They squeezed between the spaces of the chain-link fence and freely sat on the fish tanks as they wished. I guess the fence is meant to keep out larger predatory birds. Briefly worked on running posture today. Saw a lot of the underside of my brown umbrella. :) Almost forgot a sign on the north side of the Nimbus Dam which reads, "Entering Water Will Cause Almost Certain Death."
Time: 45 minutes
Goal Time: n/a
Distance: 3.31 km (2.05 mi)
Total Distance For Year: 203.2 km (126.0 mi)
Weight (after run): 79.6 kg (175.52 lbs), 20% body fat
Any irregular feelings, aches, pains, heart rate, and so forth?: A bit of fatigue still from yesterday, but almost 100%.
Foods eaten today: maple nut cluster cereal, soy milk, cinnamon-rasin bagel, potato-leek soup, chips & Desert Pepper Trading Company "Corn, Black Bean, and Roasted Red Pepper Salsa"

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