Finished season three last night. Several scenes moved me: the Master killing Buffy in the alternate reality where she never comes to Sunnydale; Angel's decision to fight for good rather than destroy himself; the class recognizing Buffy as Class Protector on prom night; Angel's break-up with Buffy.
The Zeppo was one of my favorite episodes from season three, where we see Zander foil a plot while the other cast members re-close the Hellmouth. It was weird jumping back to disc one to see her summer life and then jumping forward to disc five to watch the finale with Faith and The Mayor. Tried watching disc one downstairs, but it failed in the DVD player my house-mate purchased, so back upstairs to my laptop and monitor.
Realized I missed the Doppelgängland episode, and watched it. :P It explains how Faith got the apartment as well as how Willow comes to know Percy, and the shot of Willow in the intro.
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