Sunday, September 22, 2024

Running Journal - 2024-09-22 (Mile Repeats x8)

Tree I admired with standout height & canopy, near Supermicro Building 7, Fremont, California

11:56-2:37 p.m. (2 hours 41 minutes)
Resting heart rate (wake-up): 52 bpm
Weight (running clothes)
: 83.46 kg (184.00 lb)
Body Mass Index (BMI; note criticisms of BMI): 24.3 (Overweight = 25–29.9)
Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR): 2,012 cal/day
Distance (running): 12.87 km (8.00 mi)
Cumulative distance (2024; ignores XT days): 1,222.65 km (759.72 mi)
Calories burned: 1,108 kcal
Average heart rate: 145 bpm
Max heart rate: 158 bpm
Weather at start: sunny ☀️ 26° C (78.8° F), Humidity 49% Wind: 13 km/h
Terrain: 103 ft elevation gain
Avg Pace:
10'37" /mile
Best pace:
9'34" /mile
Stinkiness air level (0=No smell; 10=☣️): 0/10 (not stinky)
Comments: First mile repeats day since July 14, 2024 (i.e., pre-San Francisco Marathon). Did the 5 things I should always do on longer runs: 1) Garmin HRM-Pro Plus Heart Rate Monitor; 2) Anti-chafing; 3) NipEaze; 4) Sunblock; and 5) Headband ✅ Ran the first miles too fast for conditions. Temperature increased during the run from 21° C to 26° C (69.8° F to 78.8° F). Humidity dropped from 67% to 49%. Wind picked up from 6 km/h to 13 km/h. My legs were cooked in the last mile: dropped to 13-minute mile 😛 I hydrated at the 4-mile mark (ate a Clif bar as well here) & again at the 7-mile mark. Walked 5 minutes between miles. Surface was pretty flat (streets & sidewalks). Started late (around noon). Ran during the hotter part of the day. Despite all this...I made my marathon 4:40 pace time goal 🥳 I.e., 10'40"/mile overall pace. I warmed up for about 1 mile at an easy pace. Afterward, I walked home ~1 mile for a cooldown. I eased off on the last mile as I felt lightheaded when I stopped to rest at a street crossing. 😛 Red flag. Legs felt cooked, so not hard choice. Listened to audiobook. Used Samsung Pay to purchase items as I had forgotten my credit card. The Skullcandy Sesh Evo earbuds lasted the entire run. Still need to figure out a better solution for longer runs. Passed one couple running the other way and waved hello. Otherwise very empty light industrial area. Tried to keep to the shade from trees & structures. It did not feel too difficult to manage a 9:30/mile run pace. Enjoyed the aromatic smells of wood mulch and plants. Crossed the street to give a snowy egret some space. Glimpsed the San Francisco Bay during a few stretches, which reminded me of how lucky I am to live here. White birds lazily circled in the middle distance. Water plants flattened by water runoff. Cars waiting patiently in line for the automatic car wash. A man in a wheelchair pushing past me as I walked between miles, then turning onto the Coyote Creek Lagoon Trail entrance. Two employees with "YES" logos on their black backpacks and badges swinging heading into work on a Sunday, as a waterfall cascades and gurgles. The detritus from a likely abandoned homeless dwelling under a light-rail overpass. Another homeless tent location where the person had their wrenches laid out for bicycle...activities. Also saw one location where a homeless tent may have been off the ground in a tree. I should note I mention this only to give color, not to be mean-spirited. The area is extremely safe to run in. It borders liminal spaces: the Don Edwards SF Bay National Wildlife Refuge, freeway ramps, railways. I wish our society housed them and met their needs. Public outdoor exercise strength-training stations, part of a circuit training course, but long unmaintained and the signs faded or missing. E.g., there is one with an overhead beam that is slanting upward, and I cannot figure out what it is. My left big toenail is still all black. I cannot wait until it starts growing back with healthy nail, if for no other reason than to give me an idea of how long it will take. My lower back still feels slightly sore. I have been exercising lighter and getting more sleep, just in case I am overtraining. Today was the first day of Fall 2024. Listened to the Grateful Dead - U.S. Blues while folding laundry tonight, and the lyric was "Summertime done, come and gone, my, oh, my."
Any irregular feelings, aches, pains, heart rate, and so forth?: Lower back a bit sore, big toes a bit numb
Foods eaten today: Kashi GO Original Cereal with nonfat milk, Trader Joe's Pumpkin Spice Cold Brew Coffee from concentrate (24 oz), banana (x0.5), Tailwind Nutrition Recovery Drink Mix - Chocolate - 16 oz, Clif Bar - White Chocolate Macadamia Nut, Trader Joe's Olive Fougasse (x0.5), Trader Joe's Pumpkin Gnocchi with Caramelized Onion Sauce (x0.3) & cottage cheese, Costco deli turkey slices (x3), La Croix sparkling water (12 oz), K on the Go - Ube Flan Frappe with Puff Cream & black truffle cheesecake (x0.3), Gatorade Gatorlyte Electrolyte Beverage - x2: Cherry Lime & Orange (20 Oz), cubed watermelon (x5)

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