Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Running Journal - 2024-07-17

Time: 9:24-9:44 a.m. (20 minutes) 
Resting heart rate: 94 (15 minutes after exercise)
Weight (running clothes): 83.82 kg (184.80 lb)
Body Mass Index (BMI; note criticisms of BMI): 24.4 (Overweight = 25–29.9)
Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR): 2,018 cal/day
Distance (running): 2.64 km (1.64 mi)
Cumulative distance (2024; ignores XT days): 926.84 km (575.91 mi)
Calories burned: 206 kcal
Average heart rate: 118 bpm
Max heart rate: 158 bpm
Weather at start: sunny ☀️ 17° C (62.6° F), Humidity 75% Wind: 8 km/h
Terrain: 23 ft elevation gain
Avg Pace:
12'13" /mile
Best pace:
12'32" /mile
Stinkiness air level (0=No smell; 10=☣️): 0/10 (not stinky)
Comments: Tapering in weeks #25–26. Ran 20 instead of 25 minutes (misremembered), but otherwise all was well. Felt a bit tired after the harder run on Monday. Listened to an audiobook. The commuting vehicles all line up at the stoplight. Ran past the collection of items a homeless person assembled in the light-rail pedestrian underpass. Felt sore at the beginning, but after warming up felt a bit more flexibility. Weather today feels amazing.
Any irregular feelings, aches, pains, heart rate, and so forth?: Bit sore
Foods eaten today: Kashi GO Toasted Berry Crisp Cereal with nonfat milk, Chromatic Coffee Company - Heart's Delight Cold Brew (8 oz), Tailwind Nutrition Recovery Drink Mix - Chocolate - 16 oz,

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