Sunday, July 07, 2024

Running Journal - 2024-07-07 (28-mile Long Run)

"Jerry Garcia's hand" crossing light signal

5:17-2:17 p.m. (~9 hours; 6 hours 50 minutes of which was active exercise) 
Resting heart rate: 126 (15 minutes after exercise)
Weight (running clothes): 81.47 kg (179.60 lb)
Body Mass Index (BMI; note criticisms of BMI): 23.7 (Overweight = 25–29.9)
Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR): 1,982 cal/day
Distance (running): 45.09 km (28.02 mi)
Cumulative distance (2024; ignores XT days): 876.06 km (544.36 mi)
Calories burned: 3,504 kcal
Average heart rate: 118 bpm
Max heart rate: 166 bpm
Weather at start: mostly sunny, then sunny 🌤️ ☀️ 18-31° C (64-88° F), Humidity 85 to 40% Wind: 2-10 km/h
Terrain: 663 ft elevation gain
Avg Pace:
14'38" /mile
Best pace:
13'45" /mile
Stinkiness air level (0=No smell; 10=☣️): 0/10 (not stinky)
Comments: 28 mile day 💪🏼 Week 23 done (of 26) ✅ This represents my 3rd 28-mile run! The others: 1) May 29, 2006; and 2) April 7, 2007. Re-reading those posts brings back so many details I had forgotten 💜 On both previous 28-mile runs, it took about the same amount of time as it did today 😅 Remembered the 5 things I should always do: 1) Garmin HRM-Pro Plus Heart Rate Monitor; 2) Anti-chafing; 3) Moleskin on feet; 4) Sunblock; and 5) NipEaze ✅ Awoke at 4:45 a.m. Ate, cared for cats, had a bit of coffee. Goal was to begin at first light and I tink I did pretty good. Traffic was very light. Listened to audiobooks. Passed 2 men sitting on a bus-stop bench and smoking weed. Stopped at a convenience store at mile 5 and drank Gatorade. The most extreme temperature days of the heat wave last week has passed. However, this morning was still warm--65 F to start, well above the preferred 60 F. Very humid also until after 9:00 a.m.. The Coyote Creek Lagoon Trail was mostly empty. Passed a gaggle of geese. Watched large-eared jackrabbits bounding in the tall golden grasses. A possum (!) sighting, my first in recent memory. It wandered about and eventually crawled under a fence. Gnats were a nuisance on the gravel path, but avoided most by staying on the right-hand side. The sun had crested the foothills. I think a fisherman was seated in the "Angry Chair" but I am not 100% sure. Back on the sidewalk I passed a few early-morning runners. The sparrows were feasting on bugs near the abandoned bridge. At home, Dawn and I got ready for a 5-mile run. This worked out pretty good--it breaks up the 8-mile remainder after 2 x 10-mile loops. I washed the dust and gnats off my face & calves, re-applied all the sunblock, changed clothes, and off we went. It was really nice to have company. It still felt humid, but it was slowly burning off. It was 68 F I think when we started. Warm, but not overly so (yet). We ran to Warm Springs Community Center & Park, stopping for water at the ballpark fountain. One person was practicing tennis serves. Lots of people setting-up for church, or walking dogs, or just talking. We cut a bit of distance off the run so Dawn could get to a celebration with friends. During this changeover, I took a quick shower, washing my hair & shaving, re-applying sunblock, changing shirt. At this point I had roughly 12 miles left. I re-ran the 10-mile loop. It was getting noticeably hot--stepping out the door and feeling the heat was a warning. It is tempting to run faster in order to finish sooner--but it is easier to slow down and avoid injury. My legs started to feel less responsive. The sun had risen higher. Shade becomes more difficult to find. When possible, I detoured a bit to run in parking lots as shade was present. It was so much more pleasant! Accidentally beaned my head on a branch which turned out to be more sturdy than anticipated. 😝 It bruised slightly, but not so bad. Passed a student driver practicing parking and reversing. After ~2 miles, I stopped and bought a banana and a Gatorade. This was helpful, given how much I was sweating. About halfway to the next convenience store, I realized I had forgotten to resume my smart watch after waiting at a stoplight. 🤬 I think it was only 0.1-0.2 miles, but it was frustrating. Passed a man who was illegally affixing a vinyl sign advertising his business on a chain-link fence. Got a 28-ounce Gatorade & a cheese stick (should have gotten two to better fuel). I thought at first 28 ounces was overkill, but I downed it all and was grateful. Passed a stand of large fennel plants which smelled like anise candies my mom when I was a child. 😊 Saw two pelicans on the Coyote Creek Lagoon Trail 💜 No gnats on the 2nd time through. Saw one person on a side-trail observing something, and one person fishing on one side of an inlet-outlet gate, and a snowy egret on the other 😅 Both looking for fish. In the distance the areas toward the bay looked white--unclear to me why. This was a tough stretch to get through--it felt hot, and my body was not responding as I preferred. I love running through this trail though, which helped. The rest of the run home was uneventful. I had debated tacking-on another 2 miles before getting home, but I decided to play it safe and take a break, then finish the remainder. This worked out well. I refueled, cleaned up, re-applied sunblock, changed clothing, cooled down, then headed out again. The last 2.5 miles was local; about 1.5 out and 1 back, then walked home to cool down. I found my morale rallying and was able to pick up the pace a bit, but then relaxed and finished at a slower pace. Several times I had felt a bit light-headed on the last 5 or so miles, while waiting. When I got home I had more Gatorade, then sat on the stairs and just rested for a few minutes. Took a shower, then a cool-water bath. Then relaxed in bed. To celebrate, we ordered-in Mexican-American 😋 🌯 Overall, it went OK--I think I might have fueled better. Hydration was great; food needed improvement. Clothing changes was great. Breaking up the runs was great. Audiobooks were great. The worst part was heat & humidity. Health & hills were not an issue. Shoes worked great (3 weeks ago was very painful), though my left foot felt a bit chafed on top, and the usual issue with toes hurting a bit. My right knee was a bit sore, but overall OK. The total time lasted about nine freaking hours. 🙃 The total running time was less--6 hours, 50 minutes. Which was acceptable for an "easy" paced long run. This extended my previous long run by 2 miles. Dawn mentioned the Western States 100-Mile Endurance Run was last weekend during the heat wave 😭 🌡️ I have not read the reviews but hoping everyone stayed healthy.
Any irregular feelings, aches, pains, heart rate, and so forth?: Toes sore, right knee slightly sore, exhausted overall
Foods eaten today: Kashi GO Toasted Berry Crisp Cereal with nonfat milk, Trader Joe's Organic French Roast Cold Brew Coffee (8 oz), Tailwind Nutrition Recovery Drink Mix - Chocolate - 16 oz (x3), banana (x2.5), Gatorade Thirst Quencher - Cool Blue (20 oz) & Glacier Freeze (28 oz), Gatorade Gatorlyte Electrolyte Beverage - Glacier Cherry & Mixed Berry (20 Oz), Sargento Pepper Jack Natural Cheese Snack Stick, De Los Altos Taqueria - Veggie Burrito & Carne Asada French Fries (x0.2), River City Root Beer (12 oz)

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