Sunday, June 30, 2024

Running Journal - 2024-06-30 (Magic Mile Time Trials)

Time: 9:45-11:17 a.m. (1 hour 32 minutes) 
Resting heart rate: 81 (90 minutes after exercise)
Weight (running clothes): 83.28 kg (183.60 lb)
Body Mass Index (BMI; note criticisms of BMI): 24.2 (Overweight = 25–29.9)
Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR): 2,010 cal/day
Distance (running): 8.05 km (5.00 mi)
Cumulative distance (2024; ignores XT days): 812.72 km (505.00 mi)
Calories burned: 462 kcal
Average heart rate: 124 bpm
Max heart rate: 158 bpm
Weather at start: sunny ☀️ 27° C (80.6° F), Humidity 38% Wind: 7 km/h
Terrain: 23 ft elevation gain
Avg Pace:
11'54" /mile
Best pace:
8'14" /mile
Stinkiness air level (0=No smell; 10=☣️): 0/10 (not stinky)
Comments: Week 22 (of 26) is done ✅ Ran my 3rd Jeff Galloway Magic Mile Time Trials (MM) at the Campbell Community Center, in Campbell, California.  I ran the mile in 8:15, with a 30-second walk break every 2:30. The split was ~4:04. It was warm. Mentally, immediately got negative thoughts about how it felt uncomfortable. My left hamstring felt tight, so I intentionally did not go all out, in an effort to avoid injury. The MM predicts the fastest (i.e., a very hard pace) one might run during the marathon. According to the MM calculator on the Jeff Galloway web site, a 8'15" MM = projected 4:41:12 marathon finish (10:43 per mile). This is pretty close to the time predicted 3 weeks ago, which continues to represent the best marathon finish I would ever have, to-date. After the MM, we ran slowly around the neighborhood. We ended after running ~2 miles and walked back, due to the heat and to protect Dawn's Achilles heel. We treated ourselves to coffee & brunch at Manresa Bread, after walking through the crowded Farmers Market popup tents lining the street. This was the first day wearing the new shoes, and they seemed to work well. I might tighten the laces a bit next time. Hoping this helps resolve any callus/blisters too.
Any irregular feelings, aches, pains, heart rate, and so forth?: Left hamstring tight
Foods eaten today:Kashi GO Original Cereal with nonfat milk, Trader Joe's Organic French Roast Cold Brew Coffee (8 oz), Diet Coke (16 oz), banana, Manresa Bread - Drip coffee (12 oz) & broccoli quiche slice (x0.5) & chocolate cookie (x0.25)

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