Friday, October 04, 2024

Running Journal - 2024-10-04

Time: 6:36-7:26 p.m. (50 minutes)
Resting heart rate (wake-up): 58 bpm
Weight (running clothes)
: 84.28 kg (185.80 lb)
Body Mass Index (BMI; note criticisms of BMI): 24.5 (Overweight = 25–29.9)
Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR): 2,025 cal/day
Distance (running): 5.33 km (3.31 mi)
Cumulative distance (2024; ignores XT days): 1,267.12 km (787.35 mi)
Calories burned: 298 kcal
Average heart rate: 118 bpm
Max heart rate: 128 bpm
Weather at start: Sunny ☀️ 29° C (84.2° F), Humidity 31% Wind: 5 km/h
Terrain: 0 ft elevation gain
Avg Pace:
16'33" /mile
Best pace:
16'33" /mile
Stinkiness air level (0=No smell; 10=☣️): 0/10 (not stinky)
Comments: Heat wave still rolling through the San Francisco Bay area, so ran in the small community gym again. Kept bumping my hands against the treadmill guardrails. Listened to audiobook. A few other people in the gym with us. Overall felt OK, though the 4.0 mph continuous pace exercised my leg muscles in a different way than street surface running.
Any irregular feelings, aches, pains, heart rate, and so forth?: Bit tired
Foods eaten today: Normandy Inn breakfast - croissant & Tillamook Medium Cheddar Snacking Cheese (0.75 oz) & banana, Keurig pod coffee, everything bagel with ham slices & tomato & romaine lettuce, Trader Joe's dark chocolate peanut butter cups, Donsuemor Traditional Madeleines Cake - 1 oz, organic Irish breakfast tea, Bibigo Cooked Sticky White Rice Medium Grain - 7.4 oz & Dill Pickle Mini Falafel & tomato & & Wholly Organic Smashed Avocado (2 oz)

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