Thursday, October 31, 2024

Running Journal - 2024-10-31 (XT - Stationary Recumbent Cycle)

Time: 3:13-4:03 p.m. (50 minutes)
Resting heart rate (wake-up): 52 bpm
Weight (running clothes)
: 84.82 kg (187.00 lb)
Body Mass Index (BMI; note criticisms of BMI): 24.7 (Overweight = 25–29.9)
Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR): 2,033 cal/day
Distance (running): 6.57 km (4.08 mi)
Cumulative distance (2024; ignores XT days): 1,401.50 km (870.85 mi)
Calories burned: 587 kcal
Average heart rate: 88 bpm
Max heart rate: 120 bpm
Weather at start: Sunny ☀️ 18° C (64.4° F), Humidity 50% Wind: 13 km/h
Terrain: 0 ft elevation gain
Avg Pace:
-- /mile
Best pace:
-- /mile
Stinkiness air level (0=No smell; 10=☣️): 0/10 (slightly stinky)
Comments: Mid-afternoon cycling. No one else came in today. Maintenance staff have replaced the pedal straps with slightly deeper allowances for sneakers...but still not enough, so I flip them and just pedal using the opposite side. Listened to an audiobook.
Any irregular feelings, aches, pains, heart rate, and so forth?: Slightly sore left hamstring
Foods eaten today: Kashi GO Original Cereal with nonfat milk, Tailwind Nutrition Recovery Drink Mix - Chocolate - 8 oz, Sprouts Farmer's Market - Organic English Breakfast black tea, Kirkland Signature Colombian Cold Brew Coffee - 11 fl oz (x2), cheese bagel with Trader Joe's Pumpkin Spice cream cheese, Trader Joe's Garlic naan with ham slices, Trader Joe's pumpkin biscotti,

Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Running Journal - 2024-10-30

Time: 6:11-6:56 p.m. (45 minutes)
Resting heart rate (wake-up): 52 bpm
Weight (running clothes)
: 84.10 kg (185.40 lb)
Body Mass Index (BMI; note criticisms of BMI): 24.5 (Overweight = 25–29.9)
Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR): 2,022 cal/day
Distance (running): 4.41 km (2.74 mi)
Cumulative distance (2024; ignores XT days): 1,401.50 km (870.85 mi)
Calories burned: 423 kcal
Average heart rate: 121 bpm
Max heart rate: 161 bpm
Weather at start: Clear 🌘 16° C (60.8° F), Humidity 51% Wind: 17 km/h
Terrain: 0 ft elevation gain
Avg Pace:
17'17" /mile
Best pace:
12'05" /mile
Stinkiness air level (0=No smell; 10=☣️): 0/10 (slightly stinky)
Comments: Early-evening run in the local community gym. Ran at 4.0/mph pace for 42 minutes and 6.0/mph pace for 3 minutes. Feeling pretty good.
Any irregular feelings, aches, pains, heart rate, and so forth?: Slightly sore Achilles & ankles, stiff left leg
Foods eaten today: Kashi GO Original Cereal with nonfat milk, Trader Joe's Pumpkin Spice Cold Brew Coffee from concentrate (8 oz), Tailwind Nutrition Recovery Drink Mix - Chocolate - 8 oz, Sprouts Farmer's Market - Organic English Breakfast black tea, Kirkland Signature Colombian Cold Brew Coffee - 11 fl oz,

Monday, October 28, 2024

Running Journal - 2024-10-28 (XT - Stationary Recumbent Cycle)

Time: 2:22-3:12 p.m. (50 minutes)
Resting heart rate (wake-up): 50 bpm
Weight (running clothes)
: 86.27 kg (190.20 lb)
Body Mass Index (BMI; note criticisms of BMI): 25.1 (Overweight = 25–29.9)
Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR): 2,055 cal/day
Distance (running): 5.68 km (3.53 mi)
Cumulative distance (2024; ignores XT days): 1,397.09 km (868.11 mi)
Calories burned: 547 kcal
Average heart rate: 89 bpm
Max heart rate: 106 bpm
Weather at start: Sunny ☀️ 17° C (62.6° F), Humidity 50% Wind: 17 km/h
Terrain: 0 ft elevation gain
Avg Pace:
N/A /mile
Best pace:
N/A /mile
Stinkiness air level (0=No smell; 10=☣️): 0/10 (slightly stinky)
Comments: Feeling pretty sore. Ankles & Achilles needing lots of rest. Otherwise feeling pretty good for the first day of recovery after running 28 miles 👍🏼
Any irregular feelings, aches, pains, heart rate, and so forth?: Sore Achilles & ankles, stiff legs
Foods eaten today: Kashi GO Toasted Berry Crisp Cereal with nonfat milk, Trader Joe's Pumpkin Spice Cold Brew Coffee from concentrate (16 oz), Tailwind Nutrition Recovery Drink Mix - Chocolate - 8 oz, Aidells Smoked Chicken Sausage & sauerkraut & Trader Joe's dill mustard & brioche bun (x2), plain bagel with ham slices & Velveeta American cheese slice

Sunday, October 27, 2024

Running Journal - 2024-10-27 (28-mile Long Run)

Fall foliage: red, orange, and green

All done ✅ 👍🏼

1:20 a.m.-2:35 p.m. (running time: 7:07:16)
Resting heart rate (wake-up): 71 bpm
Weight (running clothes)
: 84.64 kg (186.60 lb)
Body Mass Index (BMI; note criticisms of BMI): 24.6 (Overweight = 25–29.9)
Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR): 2,030 cal/day
Distance (running): 45.09 km (28.02 mi)
Cumulative distance (2024; ignores XT days): 1,397.09 km (868.11 mi)
Calories burned: 3,397 kcal
Average heart rate: 117 bpm
Max heart rate: 156 bpm
Weather at start: Clear 🌘 16° C (60.8° F), Humidity 94% Wind: 7 km/h
Terrain: 623 ft elevation gain
Avg Pace:
15'15" /mile
Best pace:
14'07" /mile
Stinkiness air level (0=No smell; 10=☣️): 0/10 (slightly stinky)
Comments: Wrapping the 39th week of the year with an easy-pace 28.0-mile long run. Finished just shy of mileage marker 1,400 km for the calendar year. Temperatures were moderate (60-70 F). Started my run during the night hours; i.e., at the coolest part of the day. The downside was the lack of sleep. I put my head on my pillow around 11:00 p.m. Awoke around 12:15 a.m. from a dream. Got dressed. Did 4 things I should always do: 1) Garmin HRM-Pro Plus Heart Rate Monitor; 2) Anti-chafing; 3) NipEaze; and 4) Headband ✅ No sunblock needed. Fed the cats, had some cold brew coffee. Realized I was short on Clif Bars. Had cereal instead. Filled & put on the Nathan - QuickStart 2.0 6 L Hydration Pack. The pack has a 1.5 L bladder in the back, and the 6 L moniker seems to mean it has 6 L total storage. In the back zippered storage I put 1 Clif bar, 2 GU gel packs (which I ended up not using) and my mask. In the front-left zippered pouch I put my house key and my Skullcandy Sesh Evo earbuds charging case. In the front-right un-zippered pouch I stored the partially-eaten Clif Bar as I ran. I had forgotten how to manage my drinking hose, so initially stashed the tube tip in my right vest mesh pocket 😛 Saw the hose clip later in the morning. Watching a video on how to clean the pack, I now see an optional way: feed the tube down the left vest, across the chest, and up through the hose clip, so the hose is closer to the mouth 🤔 Sounds good. Turned the bladder upside-down and sucked the air out (they called it burping it, I think), so I did this as well in an attempt to stop sloshing noises. Headed outside. My muscles felt relatively OK. Traffic was minimal. Listened to an audiobook and ran. Ran slow. The early miles were mostly devoid of traffic. I did not pass homeless persons today. Unlike last time, I mostly obeyed stop lights at minor intersections. Early on, a cyclist yelled something, and a mini SUV pulled into a storage building cut-out in front of me. I was not sure what had happened, so I kept running (maybe the driver narrowly missed the cyclist?). The darkness continued to pose some challenges. At the 7-mile mark, I tripped on a raised asphalt patch in the bike lane. 😝 Scraped my left knuckles. Otherwise just minor scrapes, thankfully. About a mile later, I was running on the sidewalk, and stumbled on a raised sidewalk seam. I caught myself, but felt a strain in my left hamstring. 😓 It was not a sharp pain, but it did limit my range of movement, further slowing the run. I had 20 miles to go, and felt flustered and disquiet. I thought I was taking care, first on the bike lane (i.e., avoiding sidewalk seams), and then on the sidewalk (i.e., avoiding oncoming traffic). However, in both cases I was unable to avoid injuring myself. The lack of sleep seemed to play a role--I had trouble focusing on the ground as I ran, and I was shuffling due to running slow, which caused issues with lifting my feet over the uneven paths. Made a note to myself to equip the Petzl head lamp I have stored somewhere, and use it on future runs. The overall run was to be broken into two parts: 1) 14 miles (or longer); and 2) 14 miles. Now I was slightly injured. I resolved to at least finish out the first 14 miles. Hitting the 10-mile mark and getting into double-digits helped mentally. Ran past an Amazon warehouse, then through the empty parking lot of a shopping complex. No security guard sitting at an outdoor patio table this time. The Walmart parking lot was partially full with people sleeping in vehicles, so I ran instead past the front doors. Walmart allows individual store managers to determine if they want to let people park overnight in their parking lots, and I did not want to disturb them by running close to them. At roughly the 12.5-mile mark, I reached a point where I had to determine whether to go home or do another 8-mile loop. I decided to go home and take care of my scrapes, rest, and refuel. This decision was bolstered by my Sesh Evo earbuds reporting "Battery Low" a few minutes later. Looking back I can see how I thought it might make sense to keep pushing through, but I am glad to have decided to rest. Finished mile 14 around 4:45 a.m., at home. Showered, hydrated, bandaged my scrapes, took ibuprofen, and slept for a few hours. The sun was visible when I woke. Overall, felt sore. Had another bowl of cereal & cup of coffee. Decided to go on a run with Dawn around the neighborhood and see if my left leg would let me continue/finish the long run. Applied sunblock and changed into fresh exercise clothes. At first, it was slow going, but after about a mile, I felt warmed up and relatively OK. We stopped and said hello to the cats near one house, and said hello to the woman who came out to check on us interacting with them. One white cat had vivid blue eyes. Big thanks to Dawn for helping me get back out there and through the feelings of discouragement and caution. Finished this exploratory run after about 4-5 miles, which left about 10 miles to go. Leaving home solo, I headed on a repeat 10-mile loop. Traffic was moderate, but no problems (in fact drivers seemed considerate on several occasions). At a light-rail underpass, observed a man sitting under it with their bicycle parked below them along the path. Gave them as much distance as I could so they might not feel alarmed at getting their bicycle taken. The barriers have been removed on the street leading to the light rail station. Ate a honey striker for energy. These miles went by like a blur. I looked for where I had stumbled. There were a few spots in the bike lane that had blisters of asphalt, so not 100% sure of the exact spot. The audiobook was engaging and helped take my mind off the run. Ran faster mile splits on this 2nd half, but nothing close to the pace I'd hope for during a marathon 😛 Finished near home, and walked for about 0.5 miles before showering, hydration, etc. This was my first 28-mile run since July 7, 2024 (about 16 weeks ago), in the run-up to the San Francisco 2024 Marathon on July 28 (~13 weeks ago). My shoes now have 365 miles (of 400) used up (91%). Overall--my ankles hurt, my legs hurt, but I did it.  
Any irregular feelings, aches, pains, heart rate, and so forth?: Bit tired
Foods eaten today: Kashi GO Toasted Berry Crisp Cereal with nonfat milk, Trader Joe's Pumpkin Spice Cold Brew Coffee from concentrate (16 oz), Tailwind Nutrition Recovery Drink Mix - Chocolate - 8 oz, Aidells Smoked Chicken Sausage & sauerkraut & Trader Joe's dill mustard & brioche bun (x2), Vicini's Pizza - slice of The Vodka Pie & garlic knot, K on the Go - Ube Flan Frappe with Puff Cream & lemon cheesecake (x0.5), Clif Bar - peanut butter crunch (x2), Vöost Hydrate supplement - Black Cherry,

Running Journal - 2024-10-26 (Off day)

 Saturday scheduled off day. Attended a birthday celebration.

Friday, October 25, 2024

Thursday, October 24, 2024

Running Journal - 2024-10-24 (XT - Stationary Recumbent Cycle)

Time: 2:28-3:18 p.m. (50 minutes)
Resting heart rate (wake-up): 58 bpm
Weight (running clothes)
: 85.09 kg (187.60 lb)
Body Mass Index (BMI; note criticisms of BMI): 24.8 (Overweight = 25–29.9)
Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR): 2,037 cal/day
Distance (running): 6.89 km (4.28 mi)
Cumulative distance (2024; ignores XT days): 1,351.99 km (840.09 mi)
Calories burned: 674 kcal
Average heart rate: 91 bpm
Max heart rate: 120 bpm
Weather at start: Sunny ☀️ 20° C (68.0° F), Humidity 50% Wind: 5 km/h
Terrain: -- ft elevation gain
Avg Pace:
-- /mile
Best pace:
-- /mile
Stinkiness air level (0=No smell; 10=☣️): 0/10 (slightly stinky)
Comments: Light cycling day on the recumbent stationary cycle. Listened to an audiobook. Weather is pleasant. 
Any irregular feelings, aches, pains, heart rate, and so forth?: None
Foods eaten today: Kashi GO Toasted Berry Crisp Cereal with nonfat milk, Trader Joe's Pumpkin Spice Cold Brew Coffee from concentrate (8 oz), Tailwind Nutrition Recovery Drink Mix - Chocolate - 8 oz, Sprouts Farmer's Market - Organic English Breakfast black tea, Kirkland Signature Colombian Cold Brew Coffee - 11 fl oz,

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Running Journal - 2024-10-23

Time: 5:43-6:21 p.m. (38 minutes)
Resting heart rate (wake-up): 55 bpm
Weight (running clothes)
: 85.18 kg (187.80 lb)
Body Mass Index (BMI; note criticisms of BMI): 24.8 (Overweight = 25–29.9)
Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR): 2,038 cal/day
Distance (running): 4.54 km (2.82 mi)
Cumulative distance (2024; ignores XT days): 1,351.99 km (840.09 mi)
Calories burned: 343 kcal
Average heart rate: 107 bpm
Max heart rate: 122 bpm
Weather at start: Sunny ☀️ 24° C (75.2° F), Humidity 36% Wind: 11 km/h
Terrain: 121 ft elevation gain
Avg Pace:
13'19" /mile
Best pace:
10'16" /mile
Stinkiness air level (0=No smell; 10=☣️): 0/10 (slightly stinky)
Comments: Hydrated well. Late-afternoon maintenance run. Relaxed, but still a bit tired from Tuesday. Noticed one garage door opened slightly--within were about 6 food bowls. This seems to clarify why so many cats hanging around. Said hello to the very friendly orange tabby cat, who chirped hello in return, purred, and nuzzled.
Any irregular feelings, aches, pains, heart rate, and so forth?: Bit tired
Foods eaten today

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Running Journal - 2024-10-22

Time: 5:36-6:13 p.m. (37 minutes)
Resting heart rate (wake-up): 52 bpm
Weight (running clothes)
: 85.28 kg (188.00 lb)
Body Mass Index (BMI; note criticisms of BMI): 24.8 (Overweight = 25–29.9)
Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR): 2,040 cal/day
Distance (running): 4.63 km (2.88 mi)
Cumulative distance (2024; ignores XT days): 1,347.46 km (837.27 mi)
Calories burned: 217 kcal
Average heart rate: 127 bpm
Max heart rate: 147 bpm
Weather at start: Sunny ☀️ 18° C (64.4° F), Humidity 64% Wind: 15 km/h
Terrain: 121 ft elevation gain
Avg Pace:
13'01" /mile
Best pace:
9'55" /mile
Stinkiness air level (0=No smell; 10=☣️): 0/10 (slightly stinky)
Comments: Late afternoon maintenance run. Beautiful weather. Daylight continues to shorten--sunset was 6:19 p.m. today.
Any irregular feelings, aches, pains, heart rate, and so forth?: None
Foods eaten today: Kashi GO Original Cereal with nonfat milk, Trader Joe's Pumpkin Spice Cold Brew Coffee from concentrate (8 oz), Tailwind Nutrition Recovery Drink Mix - Chocolate - 8 oz, Kirkland Signature Colombian Cold Brew Coffee - 11 fl oz, Hershey's Miniatures (assorted, x5), Trader Joe's Spicy Lentil Wrap with Spicy Tahini Sauce, Trader Joe's Pumpkin Spice ice cream, Trader Joe's Pumpkin Biscotti (x2), Sprouts Farmer's Market - Organic English Breakfast black tea,

Bean Soup Mix - Cooking Instructions


Bob’s Red Mill - 13 Bean Soup Mix packaging (reverse)

Documenting - soup season seems to have arrived.


Stovetop: Rinse 1 cup soup mix and place in a large pot with 3 cups water and 1 tsp salt. Bring to a boil, then reduce to a simmer, cover and cook until tender, about 60-90 minutes. Add vegetables and seasonings as desired, then serve.

Slow Cooker: Rinse 1 cup soup mix and place in a slow cooker with 4 cups water and 1 tsp salt. Cover and cook on low for hours high for 2—3 hours, then serve.

Multi-Cooker: Rinse 1 cup soup mix and place in the of a multi-cooker with 3 cups water and 1 tsp salt. Set the valve to sealing. On manual setting and high pressure, set for 40 minutes. Natural release the pressure for 20 minutes, then serve.

Note: To reduce cooking time, soak 1 cup soup mix overnight in 3 cups water and 1 tsp salt. Drain and follow cooking instructions above.

Makes 4 servings.

Monday, October 21, 2024

Running Journal - 2024-10-21 (XT - Stationary Recumbent Cycle)

Time: 10:43-11:33 a.m. (50 minutes)
Resting heart rate (wake-up): 56 bpm
Weight (exercise clothes)
: 85.00 kg (187.40 lb)
Body Mass Index (BMI; note criticisms of BMI): 24.7 (Overweight = 25–29.9)
Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR): 2,036 cal/day
Distance (cycling): 6.36 km (3.95 mi)
Cumulative distance (2024; ignores XT days): 1,342.82 km (834.39 mi)
Calories burned: 695 kcal
Average heart rate: 94 bpm
Max heart rate: 115 bpm
Weather at start: Sunny ☀️ 13° C (55.4° F), Humidity 67% Wind: 5 km/h
Terrain: -- ft elevation gain
Avg Pace:
-- /mile
Best pace:
-- /mile
Stinkiness air level (0=No smell; 10=☣️): 0/10 (slightly stinky)
Comments: Moderate maintenance day on the small community gym stationary recumbent cycle. Three others in the gym when I arrived. The gym wipes dispenser last Thursday was full but the wipes were falling through the hole (too wet?). Today the gym wipes had disappeared 👀 Used a provided dry napkin instead. Weather is getting cooler but still pleasant. Wearing my long-sleeved cozy cotton pullover now. Mentally thinking through 28-mile run preparations for this Sunday. Do I want to keep maintaining at this level? I like how I feel. Nothing scheduled yet past a final calendar-year race in November. Time flies--almost a full year has passed.
Any irregular feelings, aches, pains, heart rate, and so forth?: Bit sore
Foods eaten today: Kashi GO Original Cereal with nonfat milk, Trader Joe's Pumpkin Spice Cold Brew Coffee from concentrate (16 oz), Tailwind Nutrition Recovery Drink Mix - Chocolate - 8 oz, Kirkland Signature Colombian Cold Brew Coffee - 11 fl oz, plain bagel with Velveeta American cheese slice & 4 slices ham & Wholly Organic Smashed Avocado (2 oz)

Sunday, October 20, 2024

Running Journal - 2024-10-20 (Magic Mile Time Trials)

Time: 9:40-11:39 p.m. (119 minutes)
Resting heart rate (wake-up): 60 bpm
Weight (running clothes)
: 85.73 kg (189.00 lb)
Body Mass Index (BMI; note criticisms of BMI): 24.9 (Overweight = 25–29.9)
Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR): 2,047 cal/day
Distance (running): 9.66 km (6.00 mi)
Cumulative distance (2024; ignores XT days): 1,342.82 km (834.39 mi)
Calories burned: 664 kcal
Average heart rate: 150 bpm
Max heart rate: 175 bpm
Weather at start: Sunny ☀️ 20° C (68.0° F), Humidity 28% Wind: 7 km/h
Terrain: 0 ft elevation gain
Avg Pace:
8'17" /mile
Best pace:
8'17" /mile
Stinkiness air level (0=No smell; 10=☣️): 0/10 (slightly stinky)
Comments: Magic Mile Time Trials (MM) day. The MM predicts the fastest (i.e., a very hard pace) one might run during the marathon. Ran a 8:17 mile. Gave it maybe 90% of what I might run a mile at all-out run pace. Slept OK. As I ran the 3rd & 4th laps I felt more "into" it. According to the MM calculator on the Jeff Galloway web site, a 8'17" MM = projected 4:42:20 marathon finish (10:46 per mile). My last magic mile was on September 8, at 8:18/mile pace. Experimented today with first running 3 miles around our local neighborhood before the MM. It occurred to me later this was a good way to warm up but a bad way to time myself...I had skipped breakfast due to taking prescribed medication and had only two cups of coffee in me, so felt bit hungry/drained. 😛 The split was ~4:06, so ran a bit slower in the 2nd half. After a rest I bought a cherry Coke from the vending machine (Powerade was sold out) and relaxed, then jogged another mile to complete the mileage for the day. We had skipped sunblock for our 3-mile run, and applied a bit of sunblock (not enough) to our faces before the magic mile, as the UV Index was 3. Should have used more, though. We drove over to downtown Campbell to get coffee & pastries. However, the final day of Campbell Oktoberfest meant the closest parking spot was about six blocks away. 👀 Walk was pleasant. We even found a signal-controlled pedestrian crossing at N First St & Civic Center Dr--usually we cross on N 3rd St, but drivers do not yield consistently 🤬 Got pumpkin spice latte & nitro flash brew coffee from Manresa Bread. Purchased from vendor The Kibler Elf 2 snacks: 1) Pumpkin Coffee Cake; and 2) Smore’s Brownie. Looked for vendor Anna Olivia Bakes but it looks like she did not attend, or had sold out and left by the time we arrived (~noon). Saw people taking photos with a mascot of the Campbell water tower. One vendor sold Octoberfest merchandise: Bavarian clothing items, steins, etc. Saw Max the cat napping in the window at Recycle Bookstore Campbell, which celebrated its 20th anniversary this year. Their Instagram page mentions "The Murray Book" which seems to refer to Murray Bowles, longtime San Francisco Bay Area punk photographer. Almost time for new shoes: 330.9 of 400 mi--82.5% done. Will probably not get the New Balance 860v14 Fresh Foam X again, as the toe box just feels too tight. Or...maybe upsize? I'll have to discuss with Fleet Feet staff to see what they think. Otherwise the sneakers seem fine.
Any irregular feelings, aches, pains, heart rate, and so forth?: Bit hungry
Foods eaten today: Trader Joe's Pumpkin Spice Cold Brew Coffee from concentrate (16 oz), Knudsen Lowfat Cottage Cheese - Small Curd (bowl), Manresa Bread - Nitro flash cold brew coffee (12 oz) & potato/leek quiche slice (x0.5) & gingerbread load flice (x0.5), La Croix sparkling water (12 oz),

Saturday, October 19, 2024

Running Journal - 2024-10-19 (Off day)

Time: --
Resting heart rate (wake-up): 55 bpm
Weight (running clothes)
: 85.73 kg (189.00 lb)
Body Mass Index (BMI; note criticisms of BMI): 24.9 (Overweight = 25–29.9)
Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR): 2,047 cal/day
Distance (running): 7.82 km (4.86 mi)
Cumulative distance (2024; ignores XT days): 1,333.16 km (828.39 mi)
Calories burned: 634 kcal
Average heart rate: 134 bpm
Max heart rate: 155 bpm
Weather at start: Sunny ☀️ 24° C (75.2° F), Humidity 14% Wind: 16 km/h
Terrain: 223 ft elevation gain
Avg Pace:
11'22" /mile
Best pace:
11'13" /mile
Stinkiness air level (0=No smell; 10=☣️): 0/10 (slightly stinky)
Comments: Off day (Saturday). Personal appointments in the morning, then coffee at Tamper Room (Fremont). Then vaccinations at Costco for COVID. Michael's in fruitless search for The Woobles crotcheting kit, then Trader Joe's for groceries.
Any irregular feelings, aches, pains, heart rate, and so forth?: None
Foods eaten today: Kashi GO Original Cereal with nonfat milk, Tailwind Nutrition Recovery Drink Mix - Chocolate - 16 oz, Ito En Oi Ocha Cold Brew Matcha Green Tea - 16.9 fl oz, Donsuemor Traditional Madeleines Cake - 1 oz, Hershey's Miniatures (assorted, x5), Late July Organic Multigrain Tortilla Chips with Sea Salt & salsa, two slic es of ham, Trader Joe's Pumpkin Biscotti (x1), Sprouts Farmer's Market - Organic English Breakfast black tea, Costco chicken noodle soup & Trader Joe's Garlic naan, fig bar (x0.5)

Friday, October 18, 2024

Running Journal - 2024-10-18

Time: 5:31-6:26 p.m. (34 minutes)
Resting heart rate (wake-up): 55 bpm
Weight (running clothes)
: 85.28 kg (188.00 lb)
Body Mass Index (BMI; note criticisms of BMI): 24.8 (Overweight = 25–29.9)
Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR): 2,040 cal/day
Distance (running): 7.82 km (4.86 mi)
Cumulative distance (2024; ignores XT days): 1,333.16 km (828.39 mi)
Calories burned: 634 kcal
Average heart rate: 134 bpm
Max heart rate: 155 bpm
Weather at start: Sunny ☀️ 24° C (75.2° F), Humidity 14% Wind: 16 km/h
Terrain: 223 ft elevation gain
Avg Pace:
11'22" /mile
Best pace:
11'13" /mile
Stinkiness air level (0=No smell; 10=☣️): 0/10 (slightly stinky)
Comments: Late afternoon maintenance run. Felt pretty good. Hydrated throughout the day. Lots of political signs in yards and along thoroughfares. Spooky Halloween yard decorations. Saw the orange cat sitting on the opposite side of the street. Felt good running harder than usual.
Any irregular feelings, aches, pains, heart rate, and so forth?: None
Foods eaten today: Kashi GO Original Cereal with nonfat milk, Tailwind Nutrition Recovery Drink Mix - Chocolate - 16 oz, Ito En Oi Ocha Cold Brew Matcha Green Tea - 16.9 fl oz, Donsuemor Traditional Madeleines Cake - 1 oz, Hershey's Miniatures (assorted, x5), Late July Organic Multigrain Tortilla Chips with Sea Salt & salsa, two slic es of ham, Trader Joe's Pumpkin Biscotti (x1), Sprouts Farmer's Market - Organic English Breakfast black tea, Costco chicken noodle soup & Trader Joe's Garlic naan, fig bar (x0.5)

Thursday, October 17, 2024

Running Journal - 2024-10-17 (XT - Stationary Recumbent Cycle)

Time: 3:59-4:19 p.m. (50 minutes)
Resting heart rate (wake-up): 52 bpm
Weight (exercise clothes)
: 84.82 kg (187.40 lb)
Body Mass Index (BMI; note criticisms of BMI): 24.7 (Overweight = 25–29.9)
Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR): 2,033 cal/day
Distance (cycling): 6.32 km (3.93 mi)
Cumulative distance (2024; ignores XT days): 1,325.34 km (823.53 mi)
Calories burned: 655 kcal
Average heart rate: 94 bpm
Max heart rate: 107 bpm
Weather at start: Sunny ☀️ 18° C (64.4° F), Humidity 56% Wind: 8 km/h
Terrain: -- ft elevation gain
Avg Pace:
-- /mile
Best pace:
-- /mile
Stinkiness air level (0=No smell; 10=☣️): 0/10 (slightly stinky)
Comments: Mid-afternoon cross-training on the recumbent stationary cycle. One other person came in. The pedal on the cycle was missing a few bolts on the foot strap, so I removed it and set it aside. Poor design (?) Not the first time it has come apart. Seems too small. Settled on resistance level 24, which felt moderate but didn't get my heart rate out of "warm-up" zone. 🤔 Weather is transitional, and very pleasant.
Any irregular feelings, aches, pains, heart rate, and so forth?: None
Foods eaten today: Kashi GO Original Cereal with nonfat milk, Tailwind Nutrition Recovery Drink Mix - Chocolate - 16 oz, Ito En Oi Ocha Cold Brew Matcha Green Tea - 16.9 fl oz, Donsuemor Traditional Madeleines Cake - 1 oz, Hershey's Miniatures (assorted, x5), Late July Organic Multigrain Tortilla Chips with Sea Salt & salsa, Goodles - Cheddy Mac & two slices of ham, apple, Trader Joe's Pumpkin Bagel with pumpkin spice cream cheese, Trader Joe's Pumpkin Biscotti (x1), The Republic of Tea - Pumpkin Pie Chai, Sprouts Farmer's Market - Organic English Breakfast black tea, Safeway deli veggie sushi tray (white rice, avocado, cucumber),

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Running Journal - 2024-10-16

Time: 6:18-6:52 p.m. (34 minutes)
Resting heart rate (wake-up): 54 bpm
Weight (running clothes)
: 85.00 kg (187.40 lb)
Body Mass Index (BMI; note criticisms of BMI): 24.7 (Overweight = 25–29.9)
Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR): 2,036 cal/day
Distance (running): 4.15 km (2.58 mi)
Cumulative distance (2024; ignores XT days): 1,325.34 km (823.53 mi)
Calories burned: 315 kcal
Average heart rate: 110 bpm
Max heart rate: 127 bpm
Weather at start: Sunny ☀️ 20° C (68.0° F), Humidity 57% Wind: 6 km/h
Terrain: 118 ft elevation gain
Avg Pace:
13'14" /mile
Best pace:
12'50" /mile
Stinkiness air level (0=No smell; 10=☣️): 0/10 (slightly stinky)
Comments: Late afternoon run. Sun set about 10 minutes into our run. Cut it a few minutes short. Lovely weather. Saw the orange tomcat and the same woman photographing it. Saw the guy with the walker. People playing a pick-up game of volleyball in the grass.
Any irregular feelings, aches, pains, heart rate, and so forth?: None
Foods eaten today: Oatmeal with raspberries, Trader Joe's Pumpkin Spice Cold Brew Coffee from concentrate (16 oz), Ito En Oi Ocha Cold Brew Matcha Green Tea - 16.9 fl oz, Hershey's Miniatures (assorted, x5), Knudsen Lowfat Cottage Cheese - Small Curd (bowl), Dick Taylor microbatch chocolate bar - Almond Coconut Chocolate Granola (x0.25),

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Running Journal - 2024-10-15

Time: 6:06-6:43 p.m. (37 minutes)
Resting heart rate (wake-up): 53 bpm
Weight (running clothes)
: 85.00 kg (187.40 lb)
Body Mass Index (BMI; note criticisms of BMI): 24.7 (Overweight = 25–29.9)
Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR): 2,036 cal/day
Distance (running): 4.57 km (2.84 mi)
Cumulative distance (2024; ignores XT days): 1,321.19 km (820.95 mi)
Calories burned: 345 kcal
Average heart rate: 112 bpm
Max heart rate: 133 bpm
Weather at start: Sunny ☀️ 20° C (68.0° F), Humidity 68% Wind: 19 km/h
Terrain: 128 ft elevation gain
Avg Pace:
13'15" /mile
Best pace:
12'50" /mile
Stinkiness air level (0=No smell; 10=☣️): 1/10 (slightly stinky)
Comments: Days getting shorter; ended the run just after sunset. Weather was beautiful. Waved hello to the older man we frequently see using a walker as they go through the park. Saw the friendly orange cat near the park, as well as many cats in the front yards.
Any irregular feelings, aches, pains, heart rate, and so forth?: Tight Achilles
Foods eaten today: Kashi GO Original Cereal with nonfat milk, Tailwind Nutrition Recovery Drink Mix - Chocolate - 16 oz, Ito En Oi Ocha Cold Brew Matcha Green Tea - 16.9 fl oz, Costco Ruprecht Irish Stew, Trader Joe's dark chocolate peanut butter cups (x2), Donsuemor Traditional Madeleines Cake - 1 oz, Hershey's Miniatures (assorted, x5), Honolulu Cookie Company - Guava shortbread cookies (x2), Late July Organic Multigrain Tortilla Chips with Sea Salt & salsa

Kevin Voted Today (By Mail)

Alameda County (California) flyer with "I Voted" sticker, on a maple desk

Update 2/25/2025:
Added final election results; ✅ means the results match my vote, ❌ means the results do not match my vote. I have broken out the results by county and overall.

Federal Contests

  • President and Vice President of the United States: Kamala Harris / Tim Walz
    • Election result (USA): ❌ 48.3%
    • Election result (California): ✅ 58.5% voted as I did
    • Election result (Alameda County): ✅ 74.57% voted as I did
  • United States Senator (Full Term): Adam Schiff
    • Election result (overall): ✅ 58.9% voted as I did
    • Election result (Alameda County): ✅ 76.8% voted as I did
  • United States Senator (Partial/Unexpired Term): Adam Schiff
    • Election result (overall): ✅ 58.8% voted as I did
    • Election result (Alameda County): ✅ 76.43% voted as I did
  • United States Representative, 17th Congressional District: Ro Khanna
    • Election result (overall): ✅ 67.7% voted as I did (note: Santa Clara & Alameda votes)
    • Election result (Alameda County): ✅ 65.84% voted as I did

State Contests

  • State Assembly, 24th District: Alex Lee
    • Election result (overall): ✅ 63% voted as I did
    • Election result (Alameda County): ✅ 63% voted as I did

State Ballot Measures

  • Proposition 2 Authorizes Bonds for Public School and Community College Facilities; Legislative Statute: YES
    • Election result: Passed (58.7%)
    • Did a majority of others vote as I did?
      • Election result (overall): ✅ 58.7% voted as I did
      • Election result (Alameda County): ✅ 69.59% voted as I did
  • Proposition 3 Constitutional Right to Marriage; Legislative Constitutional Amendment: YES
    • Election result: Passed (62.6%)
    • Did a majority of others vote as I did?
      • Election result (overall): ✅ 62.6% voted as I did (i.e., Yes)
      • Election result (Alameda County): ✅ 74.89% voted as I did
  • Proposition 4 Authorizes Bonds for Safe Drinking Water, Wildfire Prevention, and Protecting Communities and Natural Lands from Climate Risks; Legislative Statute: YES
    • Election result: Passed (59.8%)
    • Did a majority of others vote as I did?
      • Election result (overall): ✅ 59.8% voted as I did (i.e., Yes)
      • Election result (Alameda County): ✅ 72.47% voted as I did
  • Proposition 5 Allows Local Bonds for Affordable Housing and Public Infrastructure with 55% Voter Approval; Legislative Constitutional Amendment: YES
    • Election result: Failed (45.0%)
    • Did a majority of others vote as I did?
      • Election result (overall): ❌ 45.0% voted as I did (i.e., Yes)
      • Election result (Alameda County): ✅ 56.42% voted as I did
  • Proposition 6 Eliminates Constitutional Provision Allowing Involuntary Servitude for Incarcerated Persons; Legislative Constitutional Amendment: YES
    • Election result: Failed (46.7%)
    • Did a majority of others vote as I did?
      • Election result (overall): ❌ 46.7% voted as I did (i.e., Yes)
      • Election result (Alameda County): ✅ 58.59% voted as I did
  • Proposition 32 Raises Minimum Wage; Initiative Statute: NO
    • Election result: Failed (49.3%)
    • Did a majority of others vote as I did?
      • Election result (overall): ✅ 50.7% voted as I did (i.e., No)
      • Election result (Alameda County): ❌ 33.99% voted as I did
  • Proposition 33 Expands Local Governments' Authority to Enact Rent Control on Residential Property; Initiative Statute: YES
    • Election result: Failed (40.0%)
    • Did a majority of others vote as I did?
      • Election result (overall): ❌ 40.0% voted as I did (i.e., Yes)
      • Election result (Alameda County): ❌ 45.29% voted as I did
  • Proposition 34 Restricts Spending of Prescription Drug Revenues by Certain Health Care Providers; Initiative Statute: NO
    • Election result: Passed (50.9%)
    • Did a majority of others vote as I did?
      • Election result (overall): ❌ 49.1% voted as I did (i.e., No)
      • Election result (Alameda County): ✅ 52.38% voted as I did
  • Proposition 35 Provides Permanent Funding for Medi-Cal Health Care Services; Initiative Statute: NO
    • Election result: Passed (67.9%)
    • Did a majority of others vote as I did?
      • Election result (overall): ❌ 32.1% voted as I did (i.e., No)
      • Election result (Alameda County): ❌ 24.98% voted as I did
  • Proposition 36 Allows Felony Charges and Increases Sentences for Certain Drug and Theft Crimes; Initiative Statute: NO
    • Election result: Passed (68.4%)
    • Did a majority of others vote as I did?
      • Election result (overall): ❌ 31.6% voted as I did (i.e., No)
      • Election result (Alameda County): ❌ 38.48% voted as I did

Nonpartisan Offices

Fremont Unified School District 

  • Governing Board Member, Area 4: Rinu Nair (Note: she actually knocked door-to-door)
    • Election result: ❌ 48% voted as I did (winner: Ganesh Balamitran)
County of Alameda
  • District Attorney Recall: "Should Pamela Price be recalled (removed) from the office of District Attorney?": NO
    • Election result: ❌ 35% voted as I did

City of Fremont

  • Mayor: Vinnie Bacon
    • Election result: ❌ 31% voted as I did (winner: Raj Salwan)
  • Member of City Council, District 5: Sterling Jefferson Engle
    • Election result: ❌ 19% voted as I did (winner: Yajing Zhang)

Fremont Unified School District Ballot Measure

  • Measure M (School Repairs Bond Measure): YES
    • Election result: ✅ 63% voted as I did



Accessed 11/06/2024:

Films - Latin American Actors & Directors, Part 2 (of 2): Films from the 21st century

From a recent work-related email, a list of films to watch.


The 2024 Film List, Parte Dos: Las Peliculas Strike Back!

The Latin American Heritage Committee (LAHC) members have curated a list of films by Latin American actors and directors from outside and within Latin American countries that offer a fascinating look at how Latinos have been portrayed on the big screen through the decades.

The film list will be shared in two parts: 

Last week, you received Part I of the list, which includes films from the 20th century. 

This week, you will receive Part II, which includes films from the 21st century. 

Your friendly neighborhood independent video store recommendations: 

The LAHC invites you to explore the curated film list. These recommendations include visually breathtaking films from Mexican filmmakers Alfonso Cuarón, Guillermo Del Toro and Alejandro González Iñárritu. Collectively known as The Three Amigos, these filmmakers found success in the early 2000s with: Cuarón for “Y Tu Mamá También,” Del Toro for “The Devil’s Backbone,” and González Iñárritu for “Amores Perros.” Their success continued to captivate Hollywood with films like “Children of Men” and “Roma” for Cuarón, “Pan’s Labyrinth” and “Guillermo Del Toro’s Pinocchio” for Del Toro, and “Babel” and “Biutiful” for González Iñárritu. From 2006 to 2022, the Three Amigos dominated the Oscars in the categories of Best Director and Best Picture for these and additional unlisted films in their filmographies. Our film list also includes additional Best International Feature Film Oscar nominations and wins from Argentina and Chile with the “Son of the Bride,” “Argentina, 1985,” “The Secret in Their Eyes,” and “A Fantastic Woman.” Please explore our film list for additional Oscar nominations for Latin Americans in writing, cinematography, production design, film editing, sound, music, original song, and some truly remarkable acting performances.

We invite you to discover iconic Latin American heroes and legends like Mexican painter Frida Kahlo in “Frida,” Mexican-American civil rights activist Cesar Chavez in “Cesar Chavez,” Argentinian revolutionary Ernesto “Che” Guevara in “The Motorcycle Diaries” and “Che: Parts One and Two,” and Mexican-American astronaut José M. Hernández in “A Million Miles Away.” Witness additional real life dramas that depict the harsh reality, struggles, and sacrifices Latin Americans endure in films like “City of God,” “Maria Full of Grace,” “Innocent Voices,” and “A Better Life.”

Grab the popcorn, lighten things up and make it a family movie night with these visually stunning and beautiful animated films for the young ones which include “The Boy and the World,” “The Book of Life,” “Coco” and “Guillermo Del Toro’s Pinocchio.” Entertain the teenagers with some additional family favorites like “Nacho Libre,” “Under the Same Moon,” “Blue Beetle,” “Instructions Not Included,” “Radical,” and the remake of “West Side Story,” now with better representation.

We hope you discover a film that you can enjoy on your next movie night! Don’t forget to check out the Internet Movie Database (IMDB) and Rotten Tomatoes sites for detailed reviews. The films are available to stream free on the video streaming services listed. Although not always listed, some of these films are available for streaming on YouTube. Additionally, some of these films are available for rent / purchase from your online providers like Amazon, Google, Apple, and Fandango at Home. 

2024 Film List Part II

Film Title Release Year Genres Actors Directors Country Languages IMDb Rating (# / 10) Available to Stream Free YouTube Trailer Link
Amores Perros 2000 Drama, Thriller Gael García Bernal, Jorge Salinas, Vanessa Bauche, Emilio Echeverria Alejandro González Iñárritu México Spanish 8 Paramount Plus Amores Perros trailer
Nine Queens 2000 Crime, Drama, Heist, Mystery, Thriller Ricardo Darín, Gastón Pauls, Leticia Brédice Fabián Bielinsky Argentina Spanish 7.9 N/A Nine Queens trailer
Son of the Bride 2001 Comedy, Drama, Romance Ricardo Darín, Natalia Verbeke, Norma Aleandro Juan José Campanella Argentina Spanish 7.8 N/A Son of the Bride trailer
The Devil's Backbone 2001 Drama, Fantasy, Horror, Thriller Marisa Paredes, Eduardo Noriega, Federico Luppi Guillermo Del Toro México Spanish 7.4 Peacock The Devil's Backbone trailer
Y Tu Mamá También 2001 Drama, Road Trip, Romance Maribel Verdú, Gael García Bernal, Diego Luna Alfonso Cuarón México Spanish 7.7 N/A Y Tu Mamá También trailer
City of God 2002 Crime, Drama Alexandre Rodrigues, Leandro Firmino, Phellipe Haagensen Fernando Meirelles, Kátia Lund Brazil Portuguese 8.6 N/A City of God trailer
Frida 2002 Biography, Drama, Romance Salma Hayek, Alfred Molina, Mia Maestro, Antonio Banderas Julie Taymore USA English 7.3 Amazon Frida trailer
Raising Victor Vargas 2002 Drama, Romance Victor Rasuk, Melonie Diaz, Judy Marte Peter Sollett USA English / Spanish 7.2 Amazon, Peacock, Pluto TV, Tubi TV Raising Victor Vargas trailer
Innocent Voices 2004 Drama, Thriller, War Leonor Varela, Carlos Padilla, José María Yazpik Luis Mandoki México Spanish 7.8 N/A Innocent Voices trailer
Maria Full of Grace 2004 Crime, Drama, Thriller Catalina Sandino Moreno, Guilied Lopez, Orlando Tobon Joshua Marston Colombia Spanish / English 7.4 Max Maria Full of Grace trailer
The Motorcycle Diaries 2004 Adventure, Biography, Drama Gael García Bernal, Rodrigo de la Serna, Mia Maestro Walter Salles Argentina Spanish / Quechua 7.7 Amazon The Motorcycle Diaries trailer
Babel 2006 Drama Brad Pitt, Cate Blanchett, Gael García Bernal, Rinko Kikuchi Alejandro González Iñárritu USA English / Spanish 7.5 Paramount Plus Babel trailer
Children of Men 2006 Action, Drama, Science Fiction, Thriller Julianne Moore, Clive Owen, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Michael Caine Alfonso Cuarón USA English 7.9 Starz Children of Men trailer
Nacho Libre 2006 Comedy, Drama, Family Jack Black, Ana De La Reguera, Héctor Jiménez Jared Hess USA English / Spanish 5.9 Paramount Plus, Pluto TV Nacho Libre trailer
Pan's Labyrinth 2006 Drama, Fairy Tale, Fantasy, War Ivana Baquero, Sergi López, Maribel Verdú, Ariadna Gil Guillermo Del Toro México Spanish 8.2 Tubi TV Pan's Labyrinth trailer
Under The Same Moon 2007 Adventure, Drama, Road Trip Eugenio Derbez, Kate Del Castillo, Adrián Alonso Barona Patricia Riggen México Spanish / English 7.3 Hulu Under The Same Moon trailer
Che: Part One 2008 Biography, History, Drama, War  Benicio Del Toro, Demián Bichir, Santiago Cabrera Steven Soderbergh USA Spanish / English 7.1 N/A Che: Part One trailer
Che: Part Two 2008 Biography, History, Drama, War  Benicio Del Toro, Demián Bichir, Santiago Cabrera Steven Soderbergh USA Spanish / English 6.8 N/A Che: Part Two trailer
Nothing Like the Holidays 2008 Comedy, Drama, Holiday, Romance Alfred Molina, Elizabeth Peña, John Leguizamo,  Alfredo De Villa USA English / Spanish 6.1 N/A Nothing Like The Holidays trailer
Rudo y Cursi 2008 Comedy, Drama, Sport Gael García Bernal, Diego Luna Carlos Cuarón México Spanish 6.7 N/A Rudo y Cursi trailer
The Secret in Their Eyes 2009 Drama, Mystery, Suspense, Thriller Ricardo Darín, Soledad Villamil Juan José Campanella Argentina Spanish 8.2 N/A The Secret in Their Eyes trailer
Biutiful 2010 Drama Javier Bardem, Maricel Alvarez Alejandro González Iñárritu México Spanish 7.4 Amazon, Tubi TV Biutiful trailer
A Better Life 2011 Drama Demián Bichir, José Julián Chris Weitz USA English / Spanish 7.2 N/A A Better Life trailer
Instructions Not Included 2013 Comedy, Drama Eugenio Derbez, Loreto Peralta, Karla Souza Eugenio Derbez México Spanish / English 7.5 Amazon, Pluto TV Instructions Not Included trailer
The Boy and the World 2013 Animation, Adventure, Family Vinicius Garcia, Marco Aurélio Campos Alê Abreu Brazil Portuguese 7.5 N/A Boy and the World trailer
Cesar Chavez 2014 Biography, Drama, History Michael Peña, America Ferrera, Rosario Dawson Diego Luna USA English / Spanish 6.4 Paramount Plus, Peacock Cesar Chavez trailer
The Book of Life 2014 Animation, Adventure, Family, Music Diego Luna, Zoe Saldaña, Eugenio Derbez, Channing Tatum Jorge R. Gutierrez USA English 7.2 Disney Plus The Book of Life trailer
Spare Parts 2015 Drama George Lopez, Jamie Lee Curtis, Carlos PenaVega Sean McNamara USA English 7.2 Amazon, Peacock, Tubi TV Spare Parts trailer
A Fantastic Woman 2017 Drama Daniela Vega, Francisco Reyes, Luis Gnecco Sebastián Lelio Chile Spanish 7.2 N/A A Fantastic Woman trailer
Coco 2017 Animation, Adventure, Family, Music Gael García Bernal, Anthony Gonzalez, Benjamin Bratt Lee Unkrich, Adrian Molina USA English / Spanish 8.4 Disney Plus Coco trailer
Roma 2018 Drama Yalitza Aparicio, Marina de Tavira Alfonso Cuarón México Spanish / Mixtec 7.7 Netflix Roma trailer
West Side Story 2021 Crime, Drama, Musical, Romance Rachel Zegler, Ariana DeBose, David Alvarez, Rita Moreno Steven Spielberg USA English / Spanish 7.1 Disney Plus West Side Story trailer
Argentina, 1985 2022 Crime, Drama, History, True Crime Ricardo Darín, Luis Moreno Ocampo, Peter Lanzani Santiago Mitre Argentina Spanish / English 7.6 Amazon Argentina, 1985 trailer
Guillermo Del Toro's Pinocchio 2022 Animation, Fairy Tale,  Family, Stop Motion Ewan McGregor, David Bradley, Gregory Mann Guillermo Del Toro USA English / Italian 7.6 Netflix Guillermo Del Toro's Pinocchio trailer
A Million Miles Away 2023 Biography, Drama, History Michael Peña, Rosa Salazar, Julio Cesar Cedillo, José M. Hernández Alejandra Marquez Abella USA English / Spanish 7.3 Amazon A Million Miles Away trailer
Blue Beetle 2023 Action, Adventure, Family, Science Fiction Xolo Maridueña, Damian Alcazar, Bruna Marquezine, Becky G Angel Manuel Soto USA English / Spanish 5.9 Max Blue Beetle trailer
Radical 2023 Drama, History Eugenio Derbez, Daniel Haddad Christopher Zalla México Spanish 7.8 N/A Radical trailer

Additional information regarding Academy Award and Golden Globes history winners and nominees for some of these films can be found here:

Here are additional interesting articles on Latinos represented in film:

Con nueva esperanza

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