Due to ongoing class reductions, the CSUS computer science department has chosen to offer only one section of CSC 132, "Computing Theory". As an Open University student, I attended today's first class session anyway, with hopes of accommodation, buoyed somewhat by the CSUS class scheduler's modification of the class status from "Waitlist" to "Open".
I found the class full to standing room only. After class, the instructor rebuffed my request for consideration. First consideration goes to waitlisted, matriculated graduate students; second consideration goes to waitlisted, undergraduate students. Anything left goes to Open University students. I asked whether the class was consistently this full each semester, to which the instructor replied the department had declined to open a second section. She volunteered if I was a matriculated graduate or undergraduate student, I could get onto the list. I thanked her (sincerely) and left.
It is a tough choice, but fair.
Tomorrow, my second choice: CSC 139, "Operating System Principles".
I need CSC 132 as well as STAT 50 to complete the prerequisites for entering the CSUS graduate school program. Seeing as all three STAT 50 sections and the one CSC 132 section were full this semester, I am feeling some concern right now for Spring 2011.
UPDATE: Which means, back to Riverside 1002, heh. I have had nearly every class in that room.