Running Journal, Friday, 2007-06-01
Resting heart rate: 92 bpm (60-second test, mid-afternoon after exercise)
Body Mass Index (
BMI): (kilograms/(meters^2)) 22.615
Weather: sunny, 47% humidity, 3 m/s wind
Temp: 28.33 C (83.0 F)
Time: 12:29-13:19
Terrain: flat
Comments: Really high heart rate after finishing--something I'll keep an eye on. We started from the Sunrise Bar parking lot today, watched the Canadian Geese and Mallard Ducks swimming next to Jim's Bridge. One of the geese had wrapped red string around it's feathers. I watched the trees as we ran, noting the Interior Live Oaks and the Valley Oaks (no Blue Oaks), an Acorn Woodpecker, and a Red-Tailed Hawk. We found a baby sunflower plant next to the side of the road near the 19.5 mile mark. We noticed many people putting rafts into the river at Sunrise Bar when we returned. A new sign marks the fire road north of Jim's Bridge--Sac-B, 5. Noticed construction at mile 18--digging a ditch for something, it appears. We ran by a few white trumpet flowers (not sure what the appropriate name is).
Exercise Time: 50 minutes
Goal Time: n/a
Distance (running): 5.03 km (3.12 mi),
Running Distance For Year: 649.61 km (414.63 mi)
Weight (after exercise): 77.4 kg (170.67 lbs), 16% body fat
Any irregular feelings, aches, pains, heart rate, and so forth?: none
Foods eaten today: honey oats and almond cereal with soy milk, banana, Gookinaid