Running Journal, Tuesday, 2010-07-06
Resting heart rate: 53 bpm (60 second test, after waking)
Body Mass Index (BMI): 23.32 (kilograms/(meters^2))
Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR): 1,871 calories
Weather: warm, sunny
Temp: high of 30 C (86 F) between 5:00-6:00 p.m., 3 m/s WSW wind
Time: n/a
Terrain: flat
Comments: Day off from running today to give me time to prepare all the vegetables from our Soil Born Farm CSA box. Our next-door neighbor who usually shares the vegetables with us is on vacation, leaving us the full box. This means about three hours of washing the vegetables, cooking the vegetables, eating the vegetables, then kitchen clean-up. So worth it. The veggies are out-of-the-park delicious. I am slowly getting better at preparing them. The potatoes and green beans this week go really well with butter. The other steamed veggies were outstanding as-is. And now we have prepared veggies for the rest of the week. Minor repairs today: (1) discovered Macy's has a watch/jewelry repair shop on the third floor of the Downtown Plaza mall, so I successfully replaced the band on my Timex 5B501 Speed + Distance watch for only $7; and (2) I shipped my pair of RaceReady shorts back to the company for repair (the elastic cord came loose on Monday as I put them on). Did I mention how great RaceReady is? You should buy gear from them. Heh. We purchased new running shoes on Monday as well, from Fleet Feet in Fair Oaks. For me, the ASICS Gel-Evolution 5. Also loaded up on Hammer Nutrition gel packets, so next time I do not run out of energy in the last few miles. Purchased some Body Glide anti-chafe balm to give it a try in protecting against chafing during long runs. Last time I was pretty sore from shorts chafing after 14 miles. Am also trying out Nuun's 'U' Natural Hydration Tangerine Ginger electrolyte tablets. Seems ok so far. On my last long run, I put two extra tablets in my shorts pocket. After 11 miles, the tablets had heated and rubbed together so much they had begun dissolving. So, I need to figure out another way to carry them. Shouldn't be too hard, but too tired this evening to figure out a way. Early morning run on Wednesday before work, so signing off to get some sleep.
Goal Time: n/a
Distance (running): n/a
Weight: 79.8 kg (175.9 lbs), ?% body fat
Any irregular feelings, aches, pains, heart rate, and so forth?: None
Foods eaten today: Oatmeal + raisins, grapefruit, cottage cheese, Bing cherries, apricots, green tea (2 cups), fried egg sandwich + avocado, V-8, handful of almonds and walnuts, Siggi's blueberry yogurt, steamed vegetables: summer squash + carrots + beets, mashed potatoes with basil, steamed green beans, Greek Gods fig yogurt
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