Running Journal, Sunday, 2010-06-27
Resting heart rate: 71 bpm (60 second test, 60-second test, four hours after running)
Body Mass Index (BMI): 23.258 (kilograms/(meters^2))
Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR): 1864 calories
Weather: brilliant sun, 1 m/s NW wind
Temp: 31 C (87.8 F)
Time: Forgot my watch, but approximately two hours.
Terrain: mostly flat with a steep grade at 3.0 mile mark; http://www.gmap-pedometer.com/?r=3839274
Comments: The brilliant summer heat is at last upon Sacramento. With a high of 100 F today, beginning my two-hour run around 10:30 a.m. was an unwise move. By 12:30 p.m., the temperature was nearly 90 F. The heat severely degraded my performance. It felt like a smothering blanket. Seriously considering getting a headlamp to assist with beginning my run early, especially when the runs get longer in length and time. I remember my seven-hour long runs from 2006-07, from 8:00-2:00 p.m., and how absolutely baked I would have been today. Running in the heat is no joke. There is no cheating. The voices in my head are upset I started so late; I have been warning myself the last few weeks about it, based on previous experience. The moderate temps and winds have allowed me to skate by a bit, however. Today was my first high-heat, low-wind running day, and I am lucky it was on a maintenance long-run. Unfortunately, I got to sleep late on Saturday, and it felt really good to sleep in until 9:30 a.m. this morning. The Hammer Nutrition fuel I brought with me (Tropical flavor) was just OK. I took one serving after approximately 3.5 miles, and felt an instant rush of energy/caffeine, but it faded within a half-mile. Not sure what to make of that result. The Nuun electrolyte tablets really help. Lots of sunblock sweating into my eyes today, which stung. As long as I kept moving, the airflow from movement seemed to help keep me cooled enough. When I stopped to take pictures a few times, however, the sweat started pouring down my forehead. The pavement in open sunshine is like a giant reflector for heat. Notable events from today's run: (1) seeing a string of horses and riders near the mile 22.0 mark; (2) seeing the clear waters of the American River from the Bridge Street pedestrian bridge; (3) finding a downed birds nest near mile marker 22.0; (4) running up the pedestrian walkway on the east side of Hazel Avenue (stopping to take lots of pictures of the construction); and (5) seeing an old sign post with a sticker advertising the American Discovery Trail, of which the American River Parkway appears to be (or have been, at one time) a part. No pain in joints or muscles today, which is fantastic. The water levels of the American River seem to remain high, maybe a bit lower than in previous weeks. Someone had built a D-shaped mini-rock structure at the beach near mile marker 20.5. I found a pair of neatly folded pants near mile marker 22.5 (Weird? Yes.). A crush of people out on the River today with rafts. The Chicago Avenue and Bridge Street boat launches were packed. At the beginning of the run, we saw a Sacramento Fire boat being launched. At about the same time, we saw a Coast Guard chopper fly low overhead. Overall, avoided a disastrous run today, and managed to survive with only minor tiredness. Next weekend I run 14 miles, and will have to bring my A-game or suffer needlessly.
Goal Time: to finish
Distance (running): 6.0 miles (9.66 km)
Weight: 79.6 kg (175.49 lbs), ?% body fat
Any irregular feelings, aches, pains, heart rate, and so forth?: Muscles a bit tired, right knee a bit sensitive, but no pain.
Foods eaten today: Greek Gods pomegranate yogurt, Hammer Nutrition gel (tropical flavor), banana, Nuun electrolyte tablets, low-fat cottage cheese, smoothie, Bing cherries
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