- Rodrigo's Concierto Andaluz.
- Paderewski's Piano Concerto in a, Op. 17, Third Movement (Audio)
- Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture. (Audio)
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Radio Songs
Via KDFC, 102.1, out of San Francisco, CA:
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Running Journal, Tuesday, 2010-06-29
Running Journal, Tuesday, 2010-06-29
Resting heart rate: 88 bpm (60 second test, 10 minutes after running)
Body Mass Index (BMI): 23.43 (kilograms/(meters^2))
Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR): 1,877 calories
Weather: sunny, 2 m/s SE wind
Temp: 19 C (66.2 F)
Time: 45 minutes
Terrain: flat
Comments: Early morning run to beat the heat. Skipped a walk Monday evening because the heat still felt oppressive at 7:00 p.m. My left leg felt sore during the second half of the run. I suspect the sloping asphalt (for drainage) may have had something to do with it. I may have ran too fast. This evening, I purchased the Petzl TakTicca Plus E49-P headlamp. Tried it out briefly this evening outside and it seems like it will do the trick. Scared our neighbor's cat, heh. Every time I think about it, I think it is one of the greatest inventions. This evening at REI, I helped someone else make the same decision on which one to buy. The REI headlamp display shows about a dozen Petzl models; REI also carries models from Black Mountain and some generics. Too overwhelming. Looked to see whether REI has Vibram KSO shoes in stock, but no luck. Only the Flow.
Goal Time: n/a
Distance (running): 4.14 miles (11 minute/mile)
Weight: 80.2 kg (176.8 lbs), ?% body fat
Any irregular feelings, aches, pains, heart rate, and so forth?: Muscles a bit tired, right knee a bit sensitive, but no pain. Took a shower, rest of day felt fine.
Foods eaten today: Greek Gods pomegranate yogurt, Hammer Nutrition gel (tropical flavor), banana, Nuun electrolyte tablets, low-fat cottage cheese, smoothie, Bing cherries
Resting heart rate: 88 bpm (60 second test, 10 minutes after running)
Body Mass Index (BMI): 23.43 (kilograms/(meters^2))
Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR): 1,877 calories
Weather: sunny, 2 m/s SE wind
Temp: 19 C (66.2 F)
Time: 45 minutes
Terrain: flat
Comments: Early morning run to beat the heat. Skipped a walk Monday evening because the heat still felt oppressive at 7:00 p.m. My left leg felt sore during the second half of the run. I suspect the sloping asphalt (for drainage) may have had something to do with it. I may have ran too fast. This evening, I purchased the Petzl TakTicca Plus E49-P headlamp. Tried it out briefly this evening outside and it seems like it will do the trick. Scared our neighbor's cat, heh. Every time I think about it, I think it is one of the greatest inventions. This evening at REI, I helped someone else make the same decision on which one to buy. The REI headlamp display shows about a dozen Petzl models; REI also carries models from Black Mountain and some generics. Too overwhelming. Looked to see whether REI has Vibram KSO shoes in stock, but no luck. Only the Flow.
Goal Time: n/a
Distance (running): 4.14 miles (11 minute/mile)
Weight: 80.2 kg (176.8 lbs), ?% body fat
Any irregular feelings, aches, pains, heart rate, and so forth?: Muscles a bit tired, right knee a bit sensitive, but no pain. Took a shower, rest of day felt fine.
Foods eaten today: Greek Gods pomegranate yogurt, Hammer Nutrition gel (tropical flavor), banana, Nuun electrolyte tablets, low-fat cottage cheese, smoothie, Bing cherries
Monday, June 28, 2010
Radio Songs
Via KDFC, 102.1, out of San Francisco, CA:
- Antonin Dvorak's Symphony #9 in e minor "From the New World", Third Movement. Video. Duel of the Fates, anyone? I guess a benefit of ripping off Dvorak is it flattens the learning curve for most of your classically trained musicians.
- Zequinha de Abreu's Tico-Tico no Fubá. Video. Very fun.
The Citrus Heights Dog Kicking Street Pole Banner
The city of Citrus Heights, California, a suburb of Sacramento, has a new 2009 citywide street pole banners campaign:
I guess it is better than the street pole banner with the Lindsay Lohan lookalike, but please, Citrus Heights, be nice to your dogs.
The second street pole banner from the left looks like a man about to punt a puppy. Once observed, I have a hard time un-seeing it.
I guess it is better than the street pole banner with the Lindsay Lohan lookalike, but please, Citrus Heights, be nice to your dogs.
Petzl E49 TacTikka Plus LED Headlamp

Looking at running during early Saturday/Sunday morning and the Petzl E49 Tactikka Plus LED headlamp seems to come out tops.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Running Journal, Sunday, 2010-06-27

Running Journal, Sunday, 2010-06-27
Resting heart rate: 71 bpm (60 second test, 60-second test, four hours after running)
Body Mass Index (BMI): 23.258 (kilograms/(meters^2))
Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR): 1864 calories
Weather: brilliant sun, 1 m/s NW wind
Temp: 31 C (87.8 F)
Time: Forgot my watch, but approximately two hours.
Terrain: mostly flat with a steep grade at 3.0 mile mark; http://www.gmap-pedometer.com/?r=3839274
Comments: The brilliant summer heat is at last upon Sacramento. With a high of 100 F today, beginning my two-hour run around 10:30 a.m. was an unwise move. By 12:30 p.m., the temperature was nearly 90 F. The heat severely degraded my performance. It felt like a smothering blanket. Seriously considering getting a headlamp to assist with beginning my run early, especially when the runs get longer in length and time. I remember my seven-hour long runs from 2006-07, from 8:00-2:00 p.m., and how absolutely baked I would have been today. Running in the heat is no joke. There is no cheating. The voices in my head are upset I started so late; I have been warning myself the last few weeks about it, based on previous experience. The moderate temps and winds have allowed me to skate by a bit, however. Today was my first high-heat, low-wind running day, and I am lucky it was on a maintenance long-run. Unfortunately, I got to sleep late on Saturday, and it felt really good to sleep in until 9:30 a.m. this morning. The Hammer Nutrition fuel I brought with me (Tropical flavor) was just OK. I took one serving after approximately 3.5 miles, and felt an instant rush of energy/caffeine, but it faded within a half-mile. Not sure what to make of that result. The Nuun electrolyte tablets really help. Lots of sunblock sweating into my eyes today, which stung. As long as I kept moving, the airflow from movement seemed to help keep me cooled enough. When I stopped to take pictures a few times, however, the sweat started pouring down my forehead. The pavement in open sunshine is like a giant reflector for heat. Notable events from today's run: (1) seeing a string of horses and riders near the mile 22.0 mark; (2) seeing the clear waters of the American River from the Bridge Street pedestrian bridge; (3) finding a downed birds nest near mile marker 22.0; (4) running up the pedestrian walkway on the east side of Hazel Avenue (stopping to take lots of pictures of the construction); and (5) seeing an old sign post with a sticker advertising the American Discovery Trail, of which the American River Parkway appears to be (or have been, at one time) a part. No pain in joints or muscles today, which is fantastic. The water levels of the American River seem to remain high, maybe a bit lower than in previous weeks. Someone had built a D-shaped mini-rock structure at the beach near mile marker 20.5. I found a pair of neatly folded pants near mile marker 22.5 (Weird? Yes.). A crush of people out on the River today with rafts. The Chicago Avenue and Bridge Street boat launches were packed. At the beginning of the run, we saw a Sacramento Fire boat being launched. At about the same time, we saw a Coast Guard chopper fly low overhead. Overall, avoided a disastrous run today, and managed to survive with only minor tiredness. Next weekend I run 14 miles, and will have to bring my A-game or suffer needlessly.
Goal Time: to finish
Distance (running): 6.0 miles (9.66 km)
Weight: 79.6 kg (175.49 lbs), ?% body fat
Any irregular feelings, aches, pains, heart rate, and so forth?: Muscles a bit tired, right knee a bit sensitive, but no pain.
Foods eaten today: Greek Gods pomegranate yogurt, Hammer Nutrition gel (tropical flavor), banana, Nuun electrolyte tablets, low-fat cottage cheese, smoothie, Bing cherries
Friday, June 25, 2010
Running Journal, Friday, 2010-06-25
Running Journal, Friday, 2010-06-25
Resting heart rate: 53 bpm (60 second test)
Body Mass Index (BMI): 23.49 (kilograms/(meters^2))
Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR): 1877 calories
Weather: sunny, 3 m/s NW wind
Temp: 29 C (84.2 F)
Time: n/a
Terrain: n/a
Comments: Six mile run on Saturday. After running on fumes during Wednesday evening's run, have taken two days off to fully recover. Getting out early tomorrow to beat the projected 36 C (96 F) heat. I have been doing really well and feeling good about eating several small meals throughout the day. Logistics planning is a bit more intense while I find my rhythm of what I like and what works, but I like the results so far. Getting enough sleep on weeknights is also a challenge; running in the evenings means I eat a late dinner and get to bed around 10:30 p.m. When the fall semester hits, I hopefully will have two classes on top of this. Something's got to give; until then, I am trying to build up my base.
Goal Time: n/a
Distance (running): n/a
Weight: 80.4 kg (177.25 lbs), ?% body fat
Any irregular feelings, aches, pains, heart rate, and so forth?: Bit tired; no joint/muscle pain.
Foods eaten today: oatmeal + raisins, cherry tomatoes, white nectarine, low-sodium V-8, Greek Gods pomegranate yogurt, egg white salad sandwich, green tea (2 cups), handfuls of walnuts + almonds, smoothie, apple sauce, Bing cherries
Resting heart rate: 53 bpm (60 second test)
Body Mass Index (BMI): 23.49 (kilograms/(meters^2))
Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR): 1877 calories
Weather: sunny, 3 m/s NW wind
Temp: 29 C (84.2 F)
Time: n/a
Terrain: n/a
Comments: Six mile run on Saturday. After running on fumes during Wednesday evening's run, have taken two days off to fully recover. Getting out early tomorrow to beat the projected 36 C (96 F) heat. I have been doing really well and feeling good about eating several small meals throughout the day. Logistics planning is a bit more intense while I find my rhythm of what I like and what works, but I like the results so far. Getting enough sleep on weeknights is also a challenge; running in the evenings means I eat a late dinner and get to bed around 10:30 p.m. When the fall semester hits, I hopefully will have two classes on top of this. Something's got to give; until then, I am trying to build up my base.
Goal Time: n/a
Distance (running): n/a
Weight: 80.4 kg (177.25 lbs), ?% body fat
Any irregular feelings, aches, pains, heart rate, and so forth?: Bit tired; no joint/muscle pain.
Foods eaten today: oatmeal + raisins, cherry tomatoes, white nectarine, low-sodium V-8, Greek Gods pomegranate yogurt, egg white salad sandwich, green tea (2 cups), handfuls of walnuts + almonds, smoothie, apple sauce, Bing cherries
Thursday, June 24, 2010
CSUS and Joe Gunchi
A CSUS alumni told me recently the CS professors there used to use a fictitious person named Joe Gunchi as a model for things not to do, in the same vein as Highlights' Goofus and Gallant.
Classical Music Comparisons: Dvorak Vs. Lord of The Rings
Listening to KDFC today and struck by similarities between the finale to Dvorak's Symphony Number Nine and the main overture of the soundtrack to The Lord of the Rings.
UPDATE: Also, Jaws. That is all.
UPDATE: Also, Jaws. That is all.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Running Journal, Wednesday, 2010-06-23
Running Journal, Wednesday, 2010-06-23
Resting heart rate: 65 bpm (60 second test, 60 minutes after exercise)
Body Mass Index (BMI): 23.49 (kilograms/(meters^2))
Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR): 1877 calories
Weather: mostly sunny, sunset, 4 m/s W wind
Temp: 26 C (78.8 F)
Time: 8:05-8:50 p.m.
Terrain: flat
Comments: Well, everything started out well. Solo running tonight, so the boredom of running ovals set in around the 20 minute mark. About the same time, I ran out of gas. Had eaten a yogurt and some apricots around 4:00 p.m., then a banana when I got home around 6:00 p.m. By 8:15 p.m., it was all gone and the last 30 minutes was a slog. Ran a bit low on water as well. So still fine-tuning the fueling of these runs. On the upside of things, the weather tonight was perfect, absolutely fantastic. The waxing moon is almost full and rose in the south-east over the stadium track, a bright disc above the dark greens, burnt umber of the track, and light poles. Near the end of the run, the slightly overcast skies became a sunset-light show, with deeply saturated pinks and purples. A family arrived and let their kids play in the long-jump sand pits and ignored the "stay off" signs to play soccer on the vacant football field. Lots of athletes running up the grass hills to the sides of the bleachers. Others run up and down the bleacher steps. Seeing familiar faces over the course of this week and last which is nice for a sense of community. A baseball game and a tennis match (a wheelchair match, no less) was going on, so my run was punctuated with pings of metal bats and lops of tennis rackets. The frog at the north end of the track started chirp-croaking again as the air cooled. In a nutshell, a very slow run, running on fumes, but I am glad I was able to struggle through it. Lesson reinforced to fuel better before the next outing.
Goal Time: n/a
Distance (running): n/a
Weight: 80.4 kg (177.25 lbs), ?% body fat
Any irregular feelings, aches, pains, heart rate, and so forth?: None
Foods eaten today: oatmeal + raisins, low-fat cottage cheese, blueberries, apricots (2), egg white salad sandwich, Siggi's blueberry yogurt, green tea (2 cups), handfuls of walnuts + almonds, salad with kalamata olives + feta cheese + shredded carrots + cilantro dressing + croutons + cherry tomatoes + microgreens, apple juice, spinach bolani
Resting heart rate: 65 bpm (60 second test, 60 minutes after exercise)
Body Mass Index (BMI): 23.49 (kilograms/(meters^2))
Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR): 1877 calories
Weather: mostly sunny, sunset, 4 m/s W wind
Temp: 26 C (78.8 F)
Time: 8:05-8:50 p.m.
Terrain: flat
Comments: Well, everything started out well. Solo running tonight, so the boredom of running ovals set in around the 20 minute mark. About the same time, I ran out of gas. Had eaten a yogurt and some apricots around 4:00 p.m., then a banana when I got home around 6:00 p.m. By 8:15 p.m., it was all gone and the last 30 minutes was a slog. Ran a bit low on water as well. So still fine-tuning the fueling of these runs. On the upside of things, the weather tonight was perfect, absolutely fantastic. The waxing moon is almost full and rose in the south-east over the stadium track, a bright disc above the dark greens, burnt umber of the track, and light poles. Near the end of the run, the slightly overcast skies became a sunset-light show, with deeply saturated pinks and purples. A family arrived and let their kids play in the long-jump sand pits and ignored the "stay off" signs to play soccer on the vacant football field. Lots of athletes running up the grass hills to the sides of the bleachers. Others run up and down the bleacher steps. Seeing familiar faces over the course of this week and last which is nice for a sense of community. A baseball game and a tennis match (a wheelchair match, no less) was going on, so my run was punctuated with pings of metal bats and lops of tennis rackets. The frog at the north end of the track started chirp-croaking again as the air cooled. In a nutshell, a very slow run, running on fumes, but I am glad I was able to struggle through it. Lesson reinforced to fuel better before the next outing.
Goal Time: n/a
Distance (running): n/a
Weight: 80.4 kg (177.25 lbs), ?% body fat
Any irregular feelings, aches, pains, heart rate, and so forth?: None
Foods eaten today: oatmeal + raisins, low-fat cottage cheese, blueberries, apricots (2), egg white salad sandwich, Siggi's blueberry yogurt, green tea (2 cups), handfuls of walnuts + almonds, salad with kalamata olives + feta cheese + shredded carrots + cilantro dressing + croutons + cherry tomatoes + microgreens, apple juice, spinach bolani
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Running Journal, Tuesday, 2010-06-22
Running Journal, Tuesday, 2010-06-22
Resting heart rate: 55 bpm (60 second test)
Body Mass Index (BMI): 23.55 (kilograms/(meters^2))
Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR): 1883 calories
Weather: Clear, sunset, 3 m/s SW wind
Temp: 33 C (91.4 F)
Time: 7:45-8:30 p.m.
Terrain: flat
Comments: One con of running on the balls of my feet has been just a bit of soreness today in that part of my foot. Night off tonight. Quite warm today; I think we may have finally crossed the threshold into summer. o_O;;;
Goal Time: n/a
Distance (running): n/a
Weight: 80.6 kg (177.69 lbs), ?% body fat
Any irregular feelings, aches, pains, heart rate, and so forth?: Bottom of feet just a bit sore
Foods eaten today: oatmeal + raisins + banana, low-fat cottage cheese, blueberries, apricots (2), egg white salad sandwich, Siggi's orange and ginger yogurt, green tea (2 cups), handfuls of walnuts, almonds, meal replacement shake, home-made mashed potatoes (reds + blues with loads of butter, basil, salt, pepper, and sour cream), kale, salad with kalamata olives + feta cheese + shredded carrots + cilantro dressing + croutons + cherry tomatoes + microgreens, milk, lemon balm tea
Resting heart rate: 55 bpm (60 second test)
Body Mass Index (BMI): 23.55 (kilograms/(meters^2))
Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR): 1883 calories
Weather: Clear, sunset, 3 m/s SW wind
Temp: 33 C (91.4 F)
Time: 7:45-8:30 p.m.
Terrain: flat
Comments: One con of running on the balls of my feet has been just a bit of soreness today in that part of my foot. Night off tonight. Quite warm today; I think we may have finally crossed the threshold into summer. o_O;;;
Goal Time: n/a
Distance (running): n/a
Weight: 80.6 kg (177.69 lbs), ?% body fat
Any irregular feelings, aches, pains, heart rate, and so forth?: Bottom of feet just a bit sore
Foods eaten today: oatmeal + raisins + banana, low-fat cottage cheese, blueberries, apricots (2), egg white salad sandwich, Siggi's orange and ginger yogurt, green tea (2 cups), handfuls of walnuts, almonds, meal replacement shake, home-made mashed potatoes (reds + blues with loads of butter, basil, salt, pepper, and sour cream), kale, salad with kalamata olives + feta cheese + shredded carrots + cilantro dressing + croutons + cherry tomatoes + microgreens, milk, lemon balm tea
Monday, June 21, 2010
Running Journal, Monday, 2010-06-21
Running Journal, Monday, 2010-06-21
Resting heart rate: 68 bpm (60 second test, 60 minutes after exercise)
Body Mass Index (BMI): 23.78 (kilograms/(meters^2))
Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR): 1889 calories
Weather: Clear, sunset, 2.5 m/s W wind
Temp: 27 C (80.6 F)
Time: 7:50-8:35 p.m.
Terrain: flat
Comments: Summer officially begins! And with it, the longest day of the year. Just another perfect running evening. Felt great tonight. At the end of the 45 minutes I was running smoothly, breathing steadily, and covering ground quickly. A number of American River College track athletes on the stadium track this evening. They have amazing musculature. Just wow. Maybe someday, for me. Ran ovals this evening and heard a frog chirp-croaking again, after the sun set behind the western bleachers, as the shadows grew a bit deeper and the shaded air cooler. Two not-so-pleasant bits: the portable toilets at the north and south end of the track seem to exude an off smell. Faint, but noticeable. Ran faster the last three laps and finally felt like I was pushing myself to exhaustion, but not quite to that point. Feeling very mellow today, relaxed. Probably all the classical music at work: KDFC out of the Bay area. Even better--I am running pain free. Just all around really enjoying getting back into running.
Goal Time: n/a
Distance (running): n/a
Weight: 81.4 kg (179.45 lbs), ?% body fat
Any irregular feelings, aches, pains, heart rate, and so forth?: Knees felt just a bit stiff today until I got running, then everything felt great.
Foods eaten today: oatmeal + raisins + banana, low-fat cottage cheese, Bing cherries, meal replacement shake, Siggi's grapefruit yogurt, strawberries, bananas (2), Panda raspberry licorice, blueberry + blackberry smoothie, green tea (2 cups), handfuls of walnuts, almonds
Resting heart rate: 68 bpm (60 second test, 60 minutes after exercise)
Body Mass Index (BMI): 23.78 (kilograms/(meters^2))
Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR): 1889 calories
Weather: Clear, sunset, 2.5 m/s W wind
Temp: 27 C (80.6 F)
Time: 7:50-8:35 p.m.
Terrain: flat
Comments: Summer officially begins! And with it, the longest day of the year. Just another perfect running evening. Felt great tonight. At the end of the 45 minutes I was running smoothly, breathing steadily, and covering ground quickly. A number of American River College track athletes on the stadium track this evening. They have amazing musculature. Just wow. Maybe someday, for me. Ran ovals this evening and heard a frog chirp-croaking again, after the sun set behind the western bleachers, as the shadows grew a bit deeper and the shaded air cooler. Two not-so-pleasant bits: the portable toilets at the north and south end of the track seem to exude an off smell. Faint, but noticeable. Ran faster the last three laps and finally felt like I was pushing myself to exhaustion, but not quite to that point. Feeling very mellow today, relaxed. Probably all the classical music at work: KDFC out of the Bay area. Even better--I am running pain free. Just all around really enjoying getting back into running.
Goal Time: n/a
Distance (running): n/a
Weight: 81.4 kg (179.45 lbs), ?% body fat
Any irregular feelings, aches, pains, heart rate, and so forth?: Knees felt just a bit stiff today until I got running, then everything felt great.
Foods eaten today: oatmeal + raisins + banana, low-fat cottage cheese, Bing cherries, meal replacement shake, Siggi's grapefruit yogurt, strawberries, bananas (2), Panda raspberry licorice, blueberry + blackberry smoothie, green tea (2 cups), handfuls of walnuts, almonds
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Running Journal, Sunday, 2010-06-20

Running Journal, Sunday, 2010-06-20
Resting heart rate: 57 bpm (60 second test)
Body Mass Index (BMI): 23.78 (kilograms/(meters^2))
Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR): 1889 calories
Weather: Sunny, 3 m/s SW wind
Temp: 27 C (80.6 F)
Time: 2:30-3:15 p.m.
Terrain: flat
Comments: Walk day today. Ate at Opa Opa's; still digesting all that good food seven hours later. Just fantastic weather this past week. Perfect temperature, wind adds some drama to the surroundings, and sunshine galore. Finished skimming LL Cool J's latest book, "LL Cool J's Platinum 360 Diet and Lifestyle: A Full-Circle Guide to Developing Your Mind, Body, and Soul." Lots of great recipes and info on nutrition I want to dive into further. Thinking about how I can integrate the meals into my work environment. And lots of encouragement and wisdom to boot. A great, easy-to-read book. Feeling overwhelmed with the choices but the best way to do it is to begin.
Goal Time: to finish
Distance (running): n/a
Weight: 81.4 kg (179.45 lbs), ?% body fat
Any irregular feelings, aches, pains, heart rate, and so forth?: Muscles feel a bit tired. Otherwise fine.
Foods eaten today: oatmeal + raisins + banana, Greek Gods vanilla + cinnamon yogurt, Bing cherries, Opa Opa's "A Little of This And A Little Of That" (salads: Orzo, Horiatiki, and Tabouli) + falafel and hummus add-on (4), Opa Opa garlic fries, Siggi's Vanilla yogurt, kettle corn microwave popcorn
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Running Journal, Saturday, 2010-06-19
Running Journal, Saturday, 2010-06-19
Resting heart rate: 60 bpm (60 second test, 65 minutes after exercise)
Body Mass Index (BMI): 23.55 (kilograms/(meters^2))
Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR): 1877 calories
Weather: Sunny, 3 m/s SW wind
Temp: 22 C (71.6 F)
Time: 9:22-12:46 p.m. (3:24, or 17-minute miles)
Terrain: flat
Comments: Another perfect day for running. Have been really lucky these past two weekends. On Bridge Street, the owner of the Fair Oaks apothecary stepped outside to feed a mother hen and her chick. She smiled and was friendly. A house on Bridge Street is for sale: $370,000. Found a sake bottle and a matching shot glass on the pedestrian bridge. Not sure what to make of that. The water is high. Hundreds of bikers riding in packs today with "Team" on their jerseys. I believe it is Team in Training. The biggest impressions on me today: (1) seeing a red-tailed hawk up close; and (2) seeing an active great heron rookery (nesting and mating area) in the grey pines. Felt a bit tired today throughout, although the slower I went, the more pleasant the run became. Overall, the camera helps me slow it down and gives me some creative outlet. I think, "What do I want to share with Dawn?" So I attempt to share things which seem interesting. Ran past Willow Creek launching facility for the first time in years. I am running the horse trails and exploring more. Staying on the bike path leads me away from the water, which means heat and relatively boring landscape. Running past the fragrance of pine needle beds is fantastic. 12 mile run means I am pushing farther and farther east towards Folsom. Pretty soon the terrain will be getting higher and higher. This is something I am looking forward to. I want to do hill training. Saw a remembrance photo for a young boy at the tree with the swinging rope I saw last weekend. A fresh flower lay by it. I have no further info on the history of the boy. The Hazel Avenue bridge is open again, and along with it pedestrian access to the north side trail around Nimbus Lake. I prefer the south side though, as it stays closer to the lake shore. There is a sign stating the bike path near the Nimbus Fish Hatchery will be closed June 29-July 25. It is strange but the miles seem shorter now, somehow, than they did when I was running in 2006. I guess the slower pace makes for a much more enjoyable experience.
Goal Time: to finish
Distance (running): 12.0 miles
Weight: 80.6 kg (177.7 lbs), ?% body fat
Any irregular feelings, aches, pains, heart rate, and so forth?: Somewhat sore muscles. No joint pain.
Foods eaten today: oatmeal + raisins + banana, cottage cheese, Panda black licorice, Nuun electrolyte tablets (3), strawberry smoothie + vanilla protein, cherries, homemade pizza with pesto + fresh basil + artichoke hearts + mozzarella + mushrooms, plum wine
Resting heart rate: 60 bpm (60 second test, 65 minutes after exercise)
Body Mass Index (BMI): 23.55 (kilograms/(meters^2))
Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR): 1877 calories
Weather: Sunny, 3 m/s SW wind
Temp: 22 C (71.6 F)
Time: 9:22-12:46 p.m. (3:24, or 17-minute miles)
Terrain: flat
Comments: Another perfect day for running. Have been really lucky these past two weekends. On Bridge Street, the owner of the Fair Oaks apothecary stepped outside to feed a mother hen and her chick. She smiled and was friendly. A house on Bridge Street is for sale: $370,000. Found a sake bottle and a matching shot glass on the pedestrian bridge. Not sure what to make of that. The water is high. Hundreds of bikers riding in packs today with "Team" on their jerseys. I believe it is Team in Training. The biggest impressions on me today: (1) seeing a red-tailed hawk up close; and (2) seeing an active great heron rookery (nesting and mating area) in the grey pines. Felt a bit tired today throughout, although the slower I went, the more pleasant the run became. Overall, the camera helps me slow it down and gives me some creative outlet. I think, "What do I want to share with Dawn?" So I attempt to share things which seem interesting. Ran past Willow Creek launching facility for the first time in years. I am running the horse trails and exploring more. Staying on the bike path leads me away from the water, which means heat and relatively boring landscape. Running past the fragrance of pine needle beds is fantastic. 12 mile run means I am pushing farther and farther east towards Folsom. Pretty soon the terrain will be getting higher and higher. This is something I am looking forward to. I want to do hill training. Saw a remembrance photo for a young boy at the tree with the swinging rope I saw last weekend. A fresh flower lay by it. I have no further info on the history of the boy. The Hazel Avenue bridge is open again, and along with it pedestrian access to the north side trail around Nimbus Lake. I prefer the south side though, as it stays closer to the lake shore. There is a sign stating the bike path near the Nimbus Fish Hatchery will be closed June 29-July 25. It is strange but the miles seem shorter now, somehow, than they did when I was running in 2006. I guess the slower pace makes for a much more enjoyable experience.
Goal Time: to finish
Distance (running): 12.0 miles
Weight: 80.6 kg (177.7 lbs), ?% body fat
Any irregular feelings, aches, pains, heart rate, and so forth?: Somewhat sore muscles. No joint pain.
Foods eaten today: oatmeal + raisins + banana, cottage cheese, Panda black licorice, Nuun electrolyte tablets (3), strawberry smoothie + vanilla protein, cherries, homemade pizza with pesto + fresh basil + artichoke hearts + mozzarella + mushrooms, plum wine
Friday, June 18, 2010
Running Journal, Friday, 2010-06-18
Running Journal, Friday, 2010-06-18
Resting heart rate: 60 bpm (60 second test after day off from exercise)
Body Mass Index (BMI): 23.667 (kilograms/(meters^2))
Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR): 1889 calories
Weather: Sunny, 5 m/s SW wind
Temp: 26 C (78.8 F)
Time: n/a
Terrain: flat
Comments: Off day today. Twelve mile long run tomorrow. Brought out Jeff Galloway's book "Marathon" from the garage book pile. Have been re-reading portions of it again. Ordered his book "Galloway's Book on Running" from Amazon for $10, shipping included. Ridiculously cheap for what seems like a great tome. The 12-mile run came as a bit of a surprise because I was expecting a shorter run than the 10-mile run from last Saturday. Planning to get up early to beat the heat; last week's 11:00 a.m. start would have killed me with mid-day heat if not for the wind. Will bring the camera again. Going to go real slow again and see how I feel. Hoping I will feel as good as I did last weekend, even though it took me three hours because I kept stopping to take pictures. Felt down today because the Sacramento French Film Festival is going on. The impulsive Kevin wanted to buy a $50 full-festival pass and bury myself in the Crest Theater for 16 films over two weekends. The responsible Kevin realized this would negatively impact a whole number of other goals, like studying for the GRE, Saturday's long run, getting Dawn to an eye checkup appointment, grocery shopping, and so forth. So, even though I have felt down, I think being responsible (for now, heh) is the right thing to do. Commitment.
Time: n/a
Goal Time: n/a
Distance (running): n/a
Weight: 81.0 kg (178.6 lbs), ?% body fat
Any irregular feelings, aches, pains, heart rate, and so forth?: None
Foods eaten today: Grapefruit, cottage cheese, oatmeal + raisins, low-sodium V-8, slice of carrot cake with raisins and frosting (heh), green tea (2 cups), blueberries, strawberries, yaki onigiri, plum wine, mochi candy, toasted egg sandwich with American cheese and ketchup
Resting heart rate: 60 bpm (60 second test after day off from exercise)
Body Mass Index (BMI): 23.667 (kilograms/(meters^2))
Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR): 1889 calories
Weather: Sunny, 5 m/s SW wind
Temp: 26 C (78.8 F)
Time: n/a
Terrain: flat
Comments: Off day today. Twelve mile long run tomorrow. Brought out Jeff Galloway's book "Marathon" from the garage book pile. Have been re-reading portions of it again. Ordered his book "Galloway's Book on Running" from Amazon for $10, shipping included. Ridiculously cheap for what seems like a great tome. The 12-mile run came as a bit of a surprise because I was expecting a shorter run than the 10-mile run from last Saturday. Planning to get up early to beat the heat; last week's 11:00 a.m. start would have killed me with mid-day heat if not for the wind. Will bring the camera again. Going to go real slow again and see how I feel. Hoping I will feel as good as I did last weekend, even though it took me three hours because I kept stopping to take pictures. Felt down today because the Sacramento French Film Festival is going on. The impulsive Kevin wanted to buy a $50 full-festival pass and bury myself in the Crest Theater for 16 films over two weekends. The responsible Kevin realized this would negatively impact a whole number of other goals, like studying for the GRE, Saturday's long run, getting Dawn to an eye checkup appointment, grocery shopping, and so forth. So, even though I have felt down, I think being responsible (for now, heh) is the right thing to do. Commitment.
Time: n/a
Goal Time: n/a
Distance (running): n/a
Weight: 81.0 kg (178.6 lbs), ?% body fat
Any irregular feelings, aches, pains, heart rate, and so forth?: None
Foods eaten today: Grapefruit, cottage cheese, oatmeal + raisins, low-sodium V-8, slice of carrot cake with raisins and frosting (heh), green tea (2 cups), blueberries, strawberries, yaki onigiri, plum wine, mochi candy, toasted egg sandwich with American cheese and ketchup
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Running Journal, Thursday, 2010-06-17
Running Journal, Thursday, 2010-06-17
Resting heart rate: 76 bpm (60 second test, 90 minutes after exercise)
Body Mass Index (BMI): 23.9 (kilograms/(meters^2))
Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR): 1902 calories
Weather: Sunny, 2 m/s NW wind
Temp: 30 C (86 F)
Time: 7:45-8:30 p.m.
Terrain: flat
Comments: Ran ovals at the American River College stadium track this evening. The voices in my head were telling me, "Not enough gas in the tank," this evening. So I think I am needing to prepare better during the day for exercise in the evening: more hydration; better eating habits. When I throttled down to a comfortable speed, I found myself relaxing and enjoying the jog. A small frog croak-chirped near the handicap-walkway on the north side. When we arrived a group of people were cooling down with stretches. Three men were talking within the oval on the south side. A female runner had laid down four cones around the innermost lane; she ran between two cones, then walked to the next cone, then ran to the fourth cone, then walked back to the first cone. Apparently one of the men was a trainer and thought the cones belonged to a friend. She noticed him taking one and swiftly corrected him. The baseball field lights were blazing and just visible above the hill upon which the eastern bleachers sit. The sound of two tennis players could be heard on the courts adjacent to the north end. One person was assisting his companion, who seemed to weigh significantly more than he, with walking down the steep slope of the hill on the western side, adjacent to the bleachers on that slope. The men slowly walked step-by-step down the steep slope; the first man claimed it is good for the legs, which I imagine it is. Taking walk breaks helps break up the monotony of the run and affords interaction with Dawn. I have not been feeling any pain while running or after. Still getting used to the mechanics of putting on the Injinji socks; unlike traditional socks, it takes a bit more work to align my toes with the individual toes of the socks. I am still working out my running schedule for the next few months. I need to take into consideration my upcoming classes for this fall; this will be the first time I am working full-time and taking two classes. I am feeling some anxiety and wondering if I am going to be able to pull it off and get the 'A' I am wanting. Until then, I can feel the immediate physical benefits of running. I think there is a mental component to it as well. I think I think more clearly when I am exercising. It helps to be outside, connecting with nature and my community.
Time: 45 minutes
Goal Time: n/a
Distance (running): ? km (? mi)
Weight (after run): 81.8 kg (180.34 lbs), ?% body fat
Any irregular feelings, aches, pains, heart rate, and so forth?: None
Foods eaten today: Grapefruit, oatmeal + raisins, meal replacement chocolate shake, low-sodium V-8, green tea (2 cups), blueberries, strawberry smoothie, salad with feta cheese + cherry tomatoes + cheese and garlic croutons + shredded carrots + sunflower microgreens
Resting heart rate: 76 bpm (60 second test, 90 minutes after exercise)
Body Mass Index (BMI): 23.9 (kilograms/(meters^2))
Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR): 1902 calories
Weather: Sunny, 2 m/s NW wind
Temp: 30 C (86 F)
Time: 7:45-8:30 p.m.
Terrain: flat
Comments: Ran ovals at the American River College stadium track this evening. The voices in my head were telling me, "Not enough gas in the tank," this evening. So I think I am needing to prepare better during the day for exercise in the evening: more hydration; better eating habits. When I throttled down to a comfortable speed, I found myself relaxing and enjoying the jog. A small frog croak-chirped near the handicap-walkway on the north side. When we arrived a group of people were cooling down with stretches. Three men were talking within the oval on the south side. A female runner had laid down four cones around the innermost lane; she ran between two cones, then walked to the next cone, then ran to the fourth cone, then walked back to the first cone. Apparently one of the men was a trainer and thought the cones belonged to a friend. She noticed him taking one and swiftly corrected him. The baseball field lights were blazing and just visible above the hill upon which the eastern bleachers sit. The sound of two tennis players could be heard on the courts adjacent to the north end. One person was assisting his companion, who seemed to weigh significantly more than he, with walking down the steep slope of the hill on the western side, adjacent to the bleachers on that slope. The men slowly walked step-by-step down the steep slope; the first man claimed it is good for the legs, which I imagine it is. Taking walk breaks helps break up the monotony of the run and affords interaction with Dawn. I have not been feeling any pain while running or after. Still getting used to the mechanics of putting on the Injinji socks; unlike traditional socks, it takes a bit more work to align my toes with the individual toes of the socks. I am still working out my running schedule for the next few months. I need to take into consideration my upcoming classes for this fall; this will be the first time I am working full-time and taking two classes. I am feeling some anxiety and wondering if I am going to be able to pull it off and get the 'A' I am wanting. Until then, I can feel the immediate physical benefits of running. I think there is a mental component to it as well. I think I think more clearly when I am exercising. It helps to be outside, connecting with nature and my community.
Time: 45 minutes
Goal Time: n/a
Distance (running): ? km (? mi)
Weight (after run): 81.8 kg (180.34 lbs), ?% body fat
Any irregular feelings, aches, pains, heart rate, and so forth?: None
Foods eaten today: Grapefruit, oatmeal + raisins, meal replacement chocolate shake, low-sodium V-8, green tea (2 cups), blueberries, strawberry smoothie, salad with feta cheese + cherry tomatoes + cheese and garlic croutons + shredded carrots + sunflower microgreens
Sunblock Controversy
Revisiting sunblock brands for the first time since 2006, when I experimented.
I swore off Banana Boat Sport Ultra Sweatproof UVA/UVB SPF 30, because, after running, it left "blotches of white on my skin where the sunblock has reappeared."For the most part, I have been using Safeway's Sport Sunblock SPF 30 since that time.
The Safeway Sunblock contains the active ingredient Oxybenzone (4.0%). In addition, it contains Homosalate (10%), Octinoxate (7.5%), and Octisalate (5.0%). Wikidpedia states Oxybenzone "may be linked to increased risks of malignant melanoma, a rarer but more deadly form of skin cancer." However, the article concludes, "Most health authorities and medical associations have concluded that on the whole, sunscreen use is beneficial, but there is not yet a thorough consensus."
The primary claim with ingredients like Oxybenzone seems to be (again, from Wikipedia) "free radical generation by sunscreen chemicals that have penetrated into the skin." According to a study by the Centers for Disease Control, 97% of Americans have it in our skin.
The Environmental Working Group lists a number of their concerns here: http://www.ewg.org/node/26212.
So, the obvious question is, what to replace it with? I do not have the answer, as of yet, but will be investigating alternatives.
I swore off Banana Boat Sport Ultra Sweatproof UVA/UVB SPF 30, because, after running, it left "blotches of white on my skin where the sunblock has reappeared."For the most part, I have been using Safeway's Sport Sunblock SPF 30 since that time.
The Safeway Sunblock contains the active ingredient Oxybenzone (4.0%). In addition, it contains Homosalate (10%), Octinoxate (7.5%), and Octisalate (5.0%). Wikidpedia states Oxybenzone "may be linked to increased risks of malignant melanoma, a rarer but more deadly form of skin cancer." However, the article concludes, "Most health authorities and medical associations have concluded that on the whole, sunscreen use is beneficial, but there is not yet a thorough consensus."
The primary claim with ingredients like Oxybenzone seems to be (again, from Wikipedia) "free radical generation by sunscreen chemicals that have penetrated into the skin." According to a study by the Centers for Disease Control, 97% of Americans have it in our skin.
The Environmental Working Group lists a number of their concerns here: http://www.ewg.org/node/26212.
So, the obvious question is, what to replace it with? I do not have the answer, as of yet, but will be investigating alternatives.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Tamalpais Walking: Poetry, History, and Prints

While at Muir Woods on Sunday, I drooled over this book (ISBN-13: 978-1-59714-097-3). The artist created the images using wood cuts. Outstanding.
Link: http://tomkillion.com/gallery/show?keyword=tam
Running Journal, Tuesday, 2010-06-15
Running Journal, Tuesday, 2010-06-15
Resting heart rate: 57 bpm (60 second test morning after exercise)
Body Mass Index (BMI): 23.55
Weather: sunny, pleasant
Temp: n/a
Time: 7:45-8:30 p.m.
Distance: n/a
Terrain: flat
Any irregular feelings, aches, pains, heart rate, and so forth?: None
Foods eaten today: oatmeal with banana and raisins, cherry tomatoes, green tea (2), salad with feta cheese + cherry tomatoes + cheese and garlic croutons + shredded carrots + sunflower microgreens, orange juice, apple juice, mashed potatoes, steamed vegetables, pluot, Nutella sandwich on buttermilk bread.
Resting heart rate: 57 bpm (60 second test morning after exercise)
Body Mass Index (BMI): 23.55
Weather: sunny, pleasant
Temp: n/a
Time: 7:45-8:30 p.m.
Distance: n/a
Terrain: flat
Comments: Ran at the American River College stadium track this evening. I normally dislike running ovals, but last night I started out slow then built up speed after 15 minutes or so. I ran fairly strong and smooth. Felt strong when I finished, with no pain. Watched a little girl run to her sister; very cute.
Weight: 80.6 kg (177.69 lb)Any irregular feelings, aches, pains, heart rate, and so forth?: None
Foods eaten today: oatmeal with banana and raisins, cherry tomatoes, green tea (2), salad with feta cheese + cherry tomatoes + cheese and garlic croutons + shredded carrots + sunflower microgreens, orange juice, apple juice, mashed potatoes, steamed vegetables, pluot, Nutella sandwich on buttermilk bread.
Monday, June 14, 2010
King Mountain and Dawn Falls Trail Hike
We started our Sunday hike near the town of Larkspur, CA, continuing around King Mountain and to twenty-foot Dawn Falls. The Falls is part of Larkspur Creek, which, had we checked, runs primarily during the winter months. We arrived to find only an owl sitting in a tree high above the dry creek bed. The highlight of the trip for me was mimicking the owl's hoot and it calling back to me. The scenery is very dramatic throughout and beautiful and we both enjoyed exploring the area.
Hike route (roughly): http://www.gmap-pedometer.com/?r=3809592
Hike route (roughly): http://www.gmap-pedometer.com/?r=3809592
Running Journal, Monday, 2010-06-14

Running Journal, Monday, 2010-06-14
Resting heart rate: 61 bpm (60 second test 30 minutes after exercise)
Body Mass Index (BMI): 24.02
Weather: Astronomical twilight (description)
Temp: 22 C (71.6 F)
Time: 8:15-9:00 p.m.
Distance: 2.0 miles
Terrain: flat
Comments: Tired today but decided to take a stroll for 45 minutes to get it in and also because Dawn wanted to try out the new black Vibram KSOs we purchased on Saturday. The one-step size larger shoes seemed more roomy with the Injinji socks, which reduce chafing. I tried out a pair of Injinji micro crew socks I purchased as well. They feel odd, a bit tight. Dawn says they will adjust a bit as I wear them. Today was warm, but the cool Delta breezes were delicious. The moon is just a sliver waxing crescent and the first few stars poked out. We passed a few cats which seemed friendly but going their own way. Back home exactly at 45 minutes, so probably will try this route again.
Weight: 82.2 kg (181.22 lb)Any irregular feelings, aches, pains, heart rate, and so forth?: None
Foods eaten today: oatmeal with banana and raisins, cherry tomatoes, green tea (2), orange juice + protein powder, brown rice + pav baji sauce, frozen mixed veggies, whole wheat naan bread, salad with feta cheese + cherry tomatoes + cheese and garlic croutons + shredded carrots + sunflower microgreens, orange juice, apple juice, Nutella sandwich on buttermilk bread.
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Running Journal, Saturday, 2010-06-12: Caterpillars' Windy Emergence
Running Journal, Saturday, 2010-06-12
Resting heart rate: 80 bpm (60 second test 70 minutes after exercise)
Body Mass Index (BMI): 23.258
Weather: sunny, bright, warm
Temp: 31 C (87.8 F)
Time: 10:00-12:58 p.m. (2:58:00)
Distance: 9.5 miles + 1.5-2.5 miles walking to and from car
Terrain: flat with mild hills; http://www.gmap-pedometer.com/?r=3803493
Any irregular feelings, aches, pains, heart rate, and so forth?: None
Foods eaten today: Greek Gods pomegranate yogurt, banana, strawberry, pineapple, and banana smoothie from the Sunflower Drive-In, home-made LL Cool J Platinum smoothie, Panda raspberry licorice, Nuun-flavored water.
Resting heart rate: 80 bpm (60 second test 70 minutes after exercise)
Body Mass Index (BMI): 23.258
Weather: sunny, bright, warm
Temp: 31 C (87.8 F)
Time: 10:00-12:58 p.m. (2:58:00)
Distance: 9.5 miles + 1.5-2.5 miles walking to and from car
Terrain: flat with mild hills; http://www.gmap-pedometer.com/?r=3803493
Comments: Felt so good to sleep in today we got to the Parkway starting point around 10:00 a.m. If it was not for the strong gusts of north-westerly wind, today would have been a very bad run. Instead, it turned out to be one of the best runs I have had. I brought my camera along today and pictures may be found here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/schultkl/sets/72157624260856210/with/4694550734/. Realized at the half-way point, munching down Panda Raspberry licorice, I enjoyed running away from Sacramento more than I do into it. Starting from mile 20, running east brings me past the Nimbus Fish Hatchery, the CSUS Aquatic Center, then into the first elevation gains as the trees turn from oak to pine. Carpets of pine needles smell great as I jog over them. Nimbus Lake is a brilliant deep blue in the bright sunshine. At the 25 mile marker on the south side of the Lake, I noticed the Regional Transit Gold Line train departing from the other side of Highway 50. I took the horse trails to stay close to the Lake, which was a good idea given the heat. The Lake cooled the wind and accelerated it as it blew up the side of the hill and past me. At the mile 22.5 marker, a man on a recumbent bike took his time pulling up to the drinking fountain. He angled his bike this way and that, finally getting in position. After several minutes of cooling himself off, he slowly angled this way and that to get back onto the bike path. He noticed me and we had a short conversation. He remarked, "If I do not get water on my head underneath my baseball cap, it is like running a car without a radiator." The Hazel Avenue Bridge is completely closed until Monday, June 14. This forced me to take the south trail around Nimbus Lake, which turned out to be fine. I took my camera with me and seemed to stop every few hundred yards to take a photo or video. Highlights: (1) video of a songbird just several feet away; (2) blackberries are ripening quickly and should be ready within weeks; and (3) the emergence of the Swallowtail caterpillars, the first I have seen this season. In a few weeks, the trails will be littered with those who failed to make it across, either by baking in the sun, smooshing, or other disasters. Those that do make their way to the Dutchman's Pipe vine to feast and eventually make their chrysalis. Today's run went very well. No pain to speak of. Hardly any bother at all. It took me 50% longer than I anticipated, but I feel 200% better than I normally do. So I like it. I lose the weight, build muscle, and feel great. Who cares if it takes longer? Well, to be honest, I will, when the mileage gets higher. Will have to see what to do.
Weight (70 minutes after exercise): 79.6 kg (175.5 lb)Any irregular feelings, aches, pains, heart rate, and so forth?: None
Foods eaten today: Greek Gods pomegranate yogurt, banana, strawberry, pineapple, and banana smoothie from the Sunflower Drive-In, home-made LL Cool J Platinum smoothie, Panda raspberry licorice, Nuun-flavored water.
Wednesday, June 09, 2010
Running Journal, Wednesday, 2010-06-09
Running Journal, Wednesday, 2010-06-09
Resting heart rate: 60 bpm (60 second test)
Body Mass Index (BMI): 23.55
Weather: sunny, pleasant
Temp: 16 C (60.8 F)
Time: 7:45-8:30 a.m.
Distance: 4 miles
Terrain: flat
Any irregular feelings, aches, pains, heart rate, and so forth?: Sore middle back after a day at work
Foods eaten today: platinum smoothie, raisins, meal replacement shake, low-sodium v-8, green tea (2), salad, cottage cheese, orange juice
Resting heart rate: 60 bpm (60 second test)
Body Mass Index (BMI): 23.55
Weather: sunny, pleasant
Temp: 16 C (60.8 F)
Time: 7:45-8:30 a.m.
Distance: 4 miles
Terrain: flat
Comments: Morning run before work to Gibbons Park and back. Stayed on asphalt and grass as much as possible. Passed a few students returning from summer school, I think, as well as random neighborhood people out for a stroll in the morning sunshine. A tennis instructor was drilling an older gentleman on one of the two courts at the Park. The dew was fresh in some places but did not seem to dampen my shoes too much. Overall a decent run and the first exploration of my local area for maintenance runs. Noticed my heart rate is down this evening, which is good to see.
Weight (evening): 81.8 kg (180.34 lb)Any irregular feelings, aches, pains, heart rate, and so forth?: Sore middle back after a day at work
Foods eaten today: platinum smoothie, raisins, meal replacement shake, low-sodium v-8, green tea (2), salad, cottage cheese, orange juice
Sunday, June 06, 2010
Radio Songs
Heard this evening on 94.7 KSSJ out of Sacramento, CA:
Melbourne, Australia-based The Temper Trap's "Sweet Disposition" from their 2009 album "Conditions" on the Liberation and Infectious Records labels. Video.Heard this evening on 101.1 KHYL out of Sacramento, CA:
Bronx-based The Chantels' "Maybe" from their 1958 single of the same name on the End Records label. Video. The song breaks your heart; amazing vocals.New York City-based Blondie's "The Tide Is High" from their 1980 album "Autoamerican" on the Chrysalis Records label. Video.
Thursday, June 03, 2010
Radio Song: Gaspar Sanz's "Canarios"
Heard on 102.1 KDFC out of San Francisco on Wednesday:
17th century University of Salamanca professor Gaspar Sanz's "Canarios" for the classical baroque guitar. Video. A fun, lively piece to drive through the Golden Gate National Recreation Area to.Super bonus trivia: The canarie, apparently, in addition to being a bird, is/was a dance from the Renaissance and Baroque eras. Both bird and dance are named after the Canary Islands, their place of origin.
Running Journal, Thursday, 2010-06-03
Running Journal, Thursday, 2010-06-03
Resting heart rate: 68 bpm (60 second test about three hours after exercise)
Body Mass Index (BMI): 23.55
Weather: overcast, humid, warm wind
Temp: 24 C (75.2 F)
Time: 7:15-8:15 p.m.
Distance: 3-4 miles
Terrain: flat
Any irregular feelings, aches, pains, heart rate, and so forth?: Sore calves; knees a bit sore
Foods eaten today: oatmeal + raisins + banana, multi-vitamin, cherry tomatoes, meal replacement shake, green tea, raisins, spinach salad with pear vinaigrette dressing + shredded carrots + cherry tomatoes + cheesy-garlic croutons + sprouts, orange juice, Greek Gods honey yogurt, strawberry smoothie
Resting heart rate: 68 bpm (60 second test about three hours after exercise)
Body Mass Index (BMI): 23.55
Weather: overcast, humid, warm wind
Temp: 24 C (75.2 F)
Time: 7:15-8:15 p.m.
Distance: 3-4 miles
Terrain: flat
Comments: Fast-pitch amateur baseball at American River College's Beaver Field and also amateur soccer tonight. I am a complete loss to tell how old the players were; high-school, maybe? Overcast day so did not want to drive 15-20 minutes to the American River Parkway and have it get dark too soon. Ran around the perimeter of the grass soccer field for 45 minutes. The perimeter is about 0.5 miles (thank you Google Maps Distance Measurement Tool). Unusually humid this evening, it feels sort of like mild, pre-storm weather which never breaks. There is a rainstorm cutting through NW California tonight; perhaps we got the very edge. Caught myself getting bored with the easy pace several times. It is hard to restrain myself from breaking out into a faster run. The only thing which holds me back is knowing I have 20-25 minutes left. That sobers me up fairly reliably. And sure enough, my out-of-shape self at minute 40 was feeling burning calves and heavier breathing than my out-of-shape self at minute 20. Every time I ran past the wall of the Beaver Field outfield, I felt edgy, anticipating getting beaned by a home-run. The wall is opaque, about five-six feet tall, and so I cannot see pitches or the ball until I hear the clink of the metal bat and see the trajectory. Very small crowd in the bleachers but the concession stand was open. On my last lap I noticed the game had ended. A golf cart meandered its way around the outfield wall to the scoreboard display. I heard the driver throw a breaker to turn it off. Ka-chunk. It was a very fast operation. On the last lap I navigated the monkey bars. Finally figured out how to time my advance to keep a steady pendulum-like rhythm across the bars. The grass was nice and soft this evening, easy on my joints and legs after the short hike up to the east peak of Mount Tamalpais and walking around San Francisco's Fisherman's Wharf and Fort Mason areas on Wednesday. Time to give my legs a rest. Also, discovered the other night having my digital bathroom scale zero itself on top of the bath mat gives a lower weight than when on the solid bathroom floor. So have been thinking I am a number of pounds lighter than I am.
Weight (after exercise): 81.8 kg (180.34 lb)Any irregular feelings, aches, pains, heart rate, and so forth?: Sore calves; knees a bit sore
Foods eaten today: oatmeal + raisins + banana, multi-vitamin, cherry tomatoes, meal replacement shake, green tea, raisins, spinach salad with pear vinaigrette dressing + shredded carrots + cherry tomatoes + cheesy-garlic croutons + sprouts, orange juice, Greek Gods honey yogurt, strawberry smoothie
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- Running Journal, Saturday, 2010-06-19
- Running Journal, Friday, 2010-06-18
- Running Journal, Thursday, 2010-06-17
- Sunblock Controversy
- Tamalpais Walking: Poetry, History, and Prints
- Running Journal, Tuesday, 2010-06-15
- King Mountain and Dawn Falls Trail Hike
- Running Journal, Monday, 2010-06-14
- Running Journal, Saturday, 2010-06-12: Caterpillar...
- Running Journal, Wednesday, 2010-06-09
- Radio Songs
- Radio Song: Gaspar Sanz's "Canarios"
- Running Journal, Thursday, 2010-06-03