Thursday, March 04, 2010

Running Journal, Thursday, 2010-03-04

Running Journal, Thursday, 2010-03-04
Resting heart rate: 59 bpm (60 second test)
Body Mass Index (BMI): 24.02
Weather: partly sunny
Temp: 13 C (55.4 F)
Time: n/a
Terrain: n/a
Distance: n/a
Comments: Stayed in this evening because we both felt exhausted from late nights of studying. x_x Dawn's foot is hurting a bit from our run earlier this week; I am waiting until it fully heals before heading out for runs again. This time of year in Sacramento is perfect outdoor weather. Mid-to-high fifties in temperature, trees flowering and plants blooming, rain and sun mixing for dramatic contrasts of light and dark. The electricity is in the air as the seasons slowly transition from one to the next. Here in the central California valley, the heat will slowly build until it becomes a dry summer furnace in late June through late August. For now, though, the weather is perfect.
Weight (after exercise): 82.2 kg (181.22 lb), 19% body fat
Any irregular feelings, aches, pains, heart rate, and so forth?: None
Foods eaten today: Jelly Bellies, oatmeal + raisins, applesauce cup, handful of raw + unsalted almonds and walnuts, Amy's organic bean + cheese burrito, spinach salad + cilantro dressing + cheesy garlic croutons + shredded carrots, Ito En green matcha tea (via CostCo), rigatoni pasta + mixed veggies (eggplant + zucchini + peppers) + tofu beef strips, orange juice, multi-vitamin, granny smith apple

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