Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Running Journal, Tuesday, 2007-06-12

Running Journal, Tuesday, 2007-06-12
Resting heart rate: n/a
Body Mass Index (BMI): (kilograms/(meters^2))
Weather: n/a
Temp: n/a
Time: 06:19-11:02
Terrain: mostly flat
Comments: Started early, but the heat still caught up with me today. For some reason my legs itched like crazy for the first three miles--something with the heat and the cold and not running for several days, I think. The blackberries have budded, soon they will ripen. I didn't see any Pipevine Swallowtail Caterpillars today. At mile two, I passed two female wild turkeys and 11 baby wild turkies. Near mile three, I passed 11 female wild turkies. On the other side of the pathway I saw another female wild turkey and a coyote walking parallel to one another. They went up to the top of the placer bank and stood there. I saw another coyote trotting down the horse path near mile eleven. I clicked with my tongue and it cocked it's ears toward me and looked at me as I passed. As I returned I realized how important proper respiration is.
Exercise Time: 4:43 minutes
Goal Time: none
Distance (running): 32.19 km (20 mi)
Total Running Distance For Year: 695.27 km (443.06 mi)
Weight (after exercise): 77.0 kg (169.79 lbs), 16% body fat
Any irregular feelings, aches, pains, heart rate, and so forth?: pain in left knee, sore muscles, fatigued
Foods eaten today:

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