Friday, May 04, 2007

Running Journal, Friday, 2007-05-04

Running Journal, Friday, 2007-05-04
Resting heart rate: n/a (forgot)
Body Mass Index (BMI): (kilograms/(meters^2))
Weather: partly sunny, humid
Temp: 20 C (68 F)
Time: 13:49-14:33
Terrain: flat
Comments: Dawn and I ventured to the American River Parkway today for a maintenance run. The air felt humid and cool from Thursday's soft rain. As we left our car to walk across the pedestrian bridge, we passed a van of teenagers talking with two other teens. Dawn remarked after we passed that she thought she smelled marijuana (I hadn't noticed). A father helped a small child throw bread to the ducks from the bridge. We noticed a pigeon carrying twigs to build a nest in the bridge girders. Along the run, bird's chirped, a great egret stood in the tall grass hunting for food, squirrels scampered to and fro, and dense patches of grey clouds slowly moved eastward. At the end of the run, we came upon two female wild turkeys on the embankment to the pedestrian bridge, eating wild oats and other plant matter. Near our car, two wild chickens called out to us (perhaps expecting food). The blackberry plants that will be ready to eat in July have flowered, and I noticed a few trees today that I haven't identified yet, including one with <1" green fruit hanging from it's branches.
Exercise Time: 45 minutes
Goal Time: n/a
Distance (running): 4.83 km (3.00 mi)
Total Running Distance For Year: 606.68 km (387.99 mi)
Weight (after exercise):
Any irregular feelings, aches, pains, heart rate, and so forth?: neck muscles sore
Foods eaten today: Special K Strawberry and soy milk, orange juice, banana, crumpet with strawberry jam

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