Monday, September 07, 2015

Steve Jobs: The Man In The Machine (2015 film)

Watched this movie at The Nickelodeon this afternoon.
  • Reading between the lines--people parsed their words...for example, Chrisann Brennan, Nolan could tell they feared saying what they really thought
  • Chrisann's description of Jobs' reaction to learning of the baby: jaw clenched, face angry, storms out like a teenager. Ouch.
  • Lots of enjoyable moments putting faces and glimpses of personalities to names...Kottke, Bushnell
  • Lots of no-shows: Woz, Jobs' biological sister, his daughter Lisa, his other children and later wife
  • Joan Baez gets no mention
  • Biological and adoptive family given minimal mention
  • Focused a lot on accounting irregularities, tax shelters, Foxconn, going after Gizmodo
New York Times review.

I thought the story of Jobs visiting Kobun Chino represented one of the key moments of the film, partly because Kobun Chino seems to represent an accurate and impartial source, but also because the visit seems to show Jobs at his most vulnerable: asking for help, and, at the same time, telling Kobun Chino he thought he was enlightened. Combine this with Narcissistic Personality Disorder (Tina Redse's theory) and Chrissann's remark about Jobs flirting with her by adapting Dylan's poetry to his own life. So complicated. 

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