Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Second opinions


Via (p. 12):
If there is a question about your diagnosis, plan
of care, or recommended treatment, including
surgery, or if additional information concerning
your condition would be helpful in determining
the diagnosis and the most appropriate plan of
treatment, or if the current treatment plan is not
improving your medical condition, you may ask
your Personal Physician to refer you to another
physician for a second medical opinion. The
second opinion will be provided on an expedited basis, where appropriate. If you are requesting a second opinion about care you
received from your Personal Physician, the
second opinion will be provided by a physician
within the same medical group or IPA as your
Personal Physician. If you are requesting a
second opinion about care received from a specialist, the second opinion may be provided by
any Plan specialist of the same or equivalent
specialty. All second opinion consultations must
be authorized. Your Personal Physician may also
decide to offer such a referral even if you do not
request it. State law requires that health plans
disclose to Members, upon request, the timelines for responding to a request for a second
medical opinion. To request a copy of these
timelines, you may call the Member Services
Department at the number listed on the back
cover of this booklet.


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