Saturday, August 04, 2012

Wired Geek Dad May 2012 Secret Page: Dadrules

Slowly going through the May 2012 "Geek Dad" section and they have a secret code embedded in the package, or section.

The text of the setup reads, "A Secret Page for Parents: Just Crack the Code / Visit (The eight missing letters are somewhere in this package)."

You can see the package here:

Per the package, the solution should read

But that does not work; it returns page not found.

Instead, you need the www prefix:

For the life of me, I must have looked a dozen times through that package before seeing the second picture. I figured out the "rules" suffix almost straightaway...I figured the first image was either "r" for RPG9000 or "d" for Doom...and when I finally tried the former link, above, and found dadrules did not represent the key, I felt a lot of maybe they had decided to kill the link after only a month. However, a Google search saved the day ; o )

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