Saturday, November 26, 2011

Imperfect Veneer

The above advertisement for "Make a Smile" dental here in the Sacramento region shows what happens when a half-baked idea gets the green light.

This ad ran on page 39 of Sacramento Magazine's November 2011 issue (meant to reflect Norman Rockwell's iconic 1943 painting, "Freedom From Want"):

  1. Giraffes eat only plants; monkeys and hippopotamuses eat primarily plant-based diets (even the cat supplements it's diet with plants)--the entire premise seems half-baked.
  2. Dental floss at each place setting?
  3. In some ways, it comes off avante garde--the artist seems to have replaced the traditional grandmother and grandfather with a same-sex couple.
  4. The turkey looks abnormally large.
  5. Kind of creepy looking teeth-shaped salt and pepper shakers
To me, it all kind of comes off as the kind of turkey day animals might celebrate in a sanitarium--and, indeed, we cannot see the guests arms, so perhaps the nurses have placed them into straight jackets. It might also explain the lack of decoration on the facing wall and the joyful grins.


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