Running Journal, Wednesday, 2010-12-01
Resting heart rate: 65 bpm (60 second test, 75 minutes after exercise)
Body Mass Index (BMI): 23.02 (kilograms/(meters^2))
Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR): 1,852 calories
Weather: clear chill
Temp: 7 C (44.6 F)
Time: 7:15-8:00 p.m.
Terrain: flat
Comments: "Don't call the cops, bro," slurred one of two obviously inebriated men. He had stumbled into the street ahead of me, carelessly laughing and talking loudly to his partner. At my approach, he sheepishly shuffled back to the sidewalk, suddenly very self-conscious of a perceived vulnerability to arrest. "No worries, my friend," I replied, and kept going. The event bookended a day which also began with an overheard conversation about drugs while on light rail. A recovering drug dealer discussed with a fellow commuter the benefits of being perceived as a non-user when selling drugs to users: "You can see it in the way they look at you, you know? They won't try to trade you this or that drug; they know all you want is the money." He had opened his conversation by evangelizing the importance of continuing going to meetings to stay clean. Tonight's run--otherwise uneventful. Felt a bit tired the last mile or so. Might be from lack of sleep, lack of fueling prior, or running too fast on Monday night. Passed a large group of men and women strolling through Gibbons Park. Sparks flew from a garage attached to a home at the south end of the Park as a man and a partner worked on a lifted truck. "I think we will have to make a cut..." and then I was out of hearing range. Near Mira Loma High School, a driveway was crowded with vehicles, one of which had the hood open and a flood lamp illuminating the engine bay. As I ran back past Mira Loma High School, I once again passed an elderly woman out for a stroll. She saw me approaching from some distance and seemed to quickly put a safe buffer between herself and my projected running path. Many homeowners have put up holiday decorations. More on that another night, perhaps.
Goal Time: n/a
Distance (running): ~4.0 miles (~6.44 km)
Weight: 78.8 kg (173.72 lbs), ?% body fat
Any irregular feelings, aches, pains, heart rate, and so forth?: Right knee faintly sore
Foods eaten today: oatmeal + raisins + banana, apple, green tea (two cups), egg salad sandwich on potato bread, blueberries, can of V-8, almonds, walnuts, spinach salad with cherry tomatoes + feta cheese + shredded carrots + champagne-pear vinaigrette + croutons, apple juice, smoothie, hard-boiled egg
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