Sunday, October 17, 2010

Kevin Voted Today

Jerry Brown

Lieutenant Governor
Gavin Newsom

Secretary of State
Debra Bowen

John Chiang

Bill Lockyer

Attorney General
Kamala D. Harris

Insurance Commissioner
Dave Jones

Member, State Board of Equalization, District 2
Chris Parker

United States Senator
Barbara Boxer

Congressional District 3
Ami Bera

Senate District 6
Darrell Steinberg

Member of the State Assembly
Richard Pan

  • For Chief Justice of The Supreme Court: Shall Associate Justice, Court of Appeal, Third Appellate District Tani G. Cantil-Sakauye be elected to the office for the term provided by law? Yes

  • For Associate Justice of The Supreme Court: Shall Associate Justice Ming W. Chin be elected to the office for the term provided by law? No

  • For Associate Justice of The Supreme Court: Shall Associate Justice Carlos R. Moreno be elected to the office for the term provided by law? Yes

  • For Associate Justice, Court of Appeal, Third Appellate District: Shall Associate Justice George W. Nicholson be elected to the office for the term provided by law? Yes

  • For Associate Justice, Court of Appeal, Third Appellate District: Shall Associate Justice Harry E. Hull, Jr. elected to the office for the term provided by law? Yes

  • For Associate Justice, Court of Appeal, Third Appellate District: Shall Associate Justice M. Kathleen Butz elected to the office for the term provided by law? Yes
State Superintendent of Public Instruction
Tom Torlakson

Los Rios Community College District, Trustee, Area 2
Robert G. Jones

San Juan Unified School District, Governing Board Member
Greg Paulo

County, Sheriff
Scott Jones

Proposition 13: Legalizes marijuana under California but not Federal law. Permits local governments to regulate and tax commercial production, distribution, and sale of marijuana. Initiative Statute.

Proposition 20: Redistricting of Congressional districts. Initiative Constitutional amendment.

Proposition 21: Establishes $18 annual vehicle license surcharge to help fund state parks and wildlife programs. Grants surcharged vehicles free admission to all state parks. Initiative statute.

Proposition 22: Prohibits the state from borrowing or taking funds used for transportation, redevelopment, or local government projects and services. Initiative Constitutional amendment.

Proposition 23: Suspends implementation of air pollution control law (AB 32) requiring major sources of emissions to report and reduce greenhouse gas emissions that cause global warming, until unemployment drops to 5.5 percent or less for full year. Initiative statute.

Proposition 24: Repeals recent legislation that would allow businesses to lower their tax liability.

Proposition 25: Changes legislative vote requirement to pass budget and budget-related legislation from two-thirds to a simple majority. Retains two-thirds vote requirement for taxes. Initiative constitutional amendment.

Proposition 26: Requires that certain state and local fees be approved by two-thirds vote. Fees include those that address adverse impacts on society or the environment caused by the fee-payer's business. Initiative constitutional amendment.

Proposition 27: Eliminates State commission on redistricting. Consolidates authority for redistricting with elected representatives. Initiative Constitutional amendment and statute.

Measure D: Shall the order adopted June 25, 2010, by Sacramento County LAFCo, ordering the incorporation of the territory described and designated as "City of Arden Arcade" be confirmed subject to terms and conditions specified in the order, including payments to Sacramento County commencing FY 2012-2013 and terminating after $219,000,000 is paid, and for the City to levy and collect the same taxes, fees, charges, assessments and rates currently imposed by Sacramento County, as particularly described in the order?

Member, City Council
  1. Liz Rice, Fitness Instructor

  2. Chris Napoleon Smith, University Financial Director

  3. David A. Pegos, Agricultural Department Representative

  4. Ralph A. Mercello, Certified Public Accountant

  5. Robert J. "Bob" Matteoli, Retired Engineer

  6. Joel E. Archer, Arden Arcade Incorporation Chair

  7. Anthony A. Hernandez, Arden-Arcade Planning Commissioner

  8. Warren Harding, Parks Director

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