Wednesday, August 19, 2009

International Breakfast Ideas

My workplace sponsors bi-monthly division celebration breakfast potlucks. This month, the theme is "international breakfast." Dawn and I had some ideas (crumpets) but execution is a bit problematic; extension cord for the toaster, buying crumpets last minute; and so forth. All other ideas involve eggs or waffles or pancakes, which seem sort of hard to keep fresh. C'est la vie.


fooz said...

Hey man, I was curious if you had the original image source you used for your Great Wave rasterbator project. I am trying to do a rasterbation for my wall (not the same one.) but can not for the life of my duplicate the results you got.

iokevins said...

Hi Matt,

Thanks for asking; I believe Wikipedia provided the source:

Thanks again. Wishing you all the best.

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