Sunday, June 01, 2008

Turning the Wrong Way

I thought the nut on the p-trap under our bathroom sink turned lefty-loosey but it turns out it turns righty-loosey. How easy it is to turn when one goes in the right direction.

In other news, I've determined that the ceiling fans in our duplex (A Hunter model #21416 and a KDK model #D13YU) lack a hole made for oiling. The new Hunter fan makes a rhythmic ticking noise after about a day or so of high-speed operation, while the older KDK fan makes the same rhythmic ticking noise more consistently. My first thought--oil the bearings, per: Unfortunately, the manufacturer did not intend for customers to oil these fans, so I'm going to need some creativity to do so. It might also be a balancing who knows if I'll have time to figure it out in the coming weeks.

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