Sunday, March 16, 2008

Six Tips For Converting Regular Expressions to Minimized Deterministic Finite Automatons

Here are a few tips to make converting a
  1. regular expression->
  2. non-deterministic finite automaton (NFA) with epsilon transitions->
  3. NFA without epsilon transitions->
  4. deterministic finite automaton (DFA)->
  5. minimized DFA
a bit easier:
  1. Back-transfer accepting states all the way back--don't overlook any epsilon transitions
  2. Verify the NFA works as intended at each step of the process--if something seems amiss, it probably is.
  3. Maintaining neatness and order for lines between states helps minimize confusion.
  4. Grid/graph paper helps with drawing straight lines and uniform circles.
  5. Remove states inaccessible from the Start state only after eliminating all epsilon transitions to and from them.
  6. Use a mechanical pencil and a slab eraser to correct the mistakes
I made every mistake in the book this evening working through the transformation of the regular expression (a+ba)*b* to a minimized DFA--but I don't mind, because my studies represent the time I want to make the mistakes--not during my upcoming midterm.

Hope this helps in some small way.

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