Running Journal, Monday, 2007-02-12
Resting heart rate: 54 bpm (60-second test, mid-morning)
Body Mass Index (BMI): (kilograms/(meters^2)) 23.433
Weather: n/a
Temp: n/a
Time: 22:10-22:55
Terrain: flat
Comments: Dawn and I arrived late to the gym this evening. I planned to exercise on the elliptical machine, but arriving upstairs we found the man whose singing we react to with irritation. I decided to exercise next to Dawn on the cycling machine rather than walk across the upstairs to the elliptical. I started out on Fat Burn mode with a target heart rate of 124. I gradually got up to about 115 and felt my leg muscles straining (after yesterday's run of 10 miles) so I decreased the target heart rate to 115. After a while I felt stronger, increasing the RPMs up to 110. At this point I began increasing the target heart rate by five, plateauing, increasing by five, plateauing, and so forth, until I reached a target heart rate of 140 with about five minutes left. The gradual increase helped a lot with my leg muscles, and after the exercise I felt tired but strong. :) We relaxed in the hot tub and it felt really nice; no dizziness. I think the difference here is the amount of water consumed. During exercise I consumed the full water bottle; during the hot tub, I consumed another full water bottle. This represents a fundamental exercise lesson, one I'll keep learning until I make hydration a top priority during exercise. Happily, I also seem to have regained weight, from a low of 78 kg after the 20 mile run.
Biking Time: 45 minutes
Goal Time: n/a
Distance (biking): 28.97 km ( 18.00 mi)
Total Running Distance For Year: 198.80 km (123.36 mi)
Weight (after run): 80.2 kg (176.84 lbs), 17% body fat
Any irregular feelings, aches, pains, heart rate, and so forth?: None
Foods eaten today: orange juice, quick oats with brown sugar and raisins, banana, chocolate truffles, chocolate bar, string cheese, CLIF bar, spinach mushroom & garlic pizza, sparkling pomegranate juice, leftover tortellini with marinara sauce, vanilla-bean ice cream and pecans
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