Friday, February 23, 2007

Google Stickies at UC-Berkeley

I discovered two of these stickies (click for high-res version) on the doors to the men's bathroom at UC-Berkeley's Soda Hall Friday evening and another two over the sinks inside. How strange. I collected the two over the sinks to see if I might figure out the story behind them.

Text #1:
1 916 599 5330
*heart* Steph

Response (automated): Unfortunately, the system cannot process your entries. Please try again later. Goodbye.
Text #2:
CALL me sexy
*heart* Katie
818 497 1372

Response (automated): Your call has been forwarded to an automatic voice-mail system as 818-497-1372 is not available. Please leave a message after the beep....
The header reads Google and the footer reads I thought it might represent a guerrilla recruiting technique. Dawn thinks it might be girls with job fair stickies having fun. The 818 area code represents San Fernando Valley, California - West from Glendale and the 916 area code represents Sacramento. I think the bogus numbers rules out recruiters. Note: If you look closely at the second one you can faintly see the text Gelateria Naia and NYC Marathon I wrote on the back (it's not part of the original sticky).

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