Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Eating small meals regularly

Dawn and I decided to try eating small meals regularly throughout the day instead of eating fewer smaller meals.

This is a big change for me. I come from a farming family. My father ate a big breakfast and a big supper, because that's the times he had a chance to eat. My mom often brought him lunch in the field, where they ate together at the tractor.

I'm searching for experiences. So far I found this idea which seems simple enough to make routine:

Maybe scheduling is the issue? Space your “MAJOR” meals apart enough so that your “MINOR” portions get an adequate gap, so you begin craving them. Try this:

(MAJOR) 6am Breakfast
(minor) 9am snack
(MAJOR) 12pm Lunch
(minor) 3pm snack
(MAJOR) 6pm Dinner
(minor) 9pm snack

Basically, every quarter of an analog watch is when you eat. That works out to 3 hour blocks, a natural interval to take a break. This forces me to stay on schedule b/c the last thing I want to do is to conscientiously count the hours.

The 06:00 breakfast might be a bit of a stretch these days.


Frugal Lunches

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