Heard on KPFA 94.1 FM out of Berkeley, California, on Friday, July 22:
Dr. Loco's Rockin' Jalapeño Band's "Migra", from their 1992 album "Movimiento Music", on the Flying Fish label. Audio snippet
Sunday, July 24, 2016
Tuesday, July 12, 2016
Plesiosauria Columba domestica: “The Monster of Monterey”
Dawn and I saw this artwork, on Monday:
It's between Lulu Carpenter's and the post office.
Plesiosauria Columba domesticahttp://arnoldmartin.com/art-works/construct/the-monster-of-monterey-bay-santa-cruz-ca/
“The Monster of Monterey” is inspired by the history, places and myths of Monterey Bay. Its humorous construction is taken from the 20th century stories of sea monsters found washed ashore. Its body is a larger than life pigeon skeleton combined with the tail, flippers and skull of a Plesiosaur suspended from the long boom of a luffing crane common to docks and ports. The sculpture is a hybrid built from disparate pieces just as myths are constructed from memories of everyday and unexplained experiences, fishing stories, and tall tales.
The Monster is currently installed in Santa Cruz, CA at the intersection of Pacific Ave. and Front St.
It's between Lulu Carpenter's and the post office.
Hair: Fashion and Fantasy by Laurent Philippon
Hair: Fashion and Fantasy
by Laurent Philippon
Coffee table book I read, while waiting for Dawn's Sunday morning hair blowout, at salon Ginger Stylebar.
by Laurent Philippon
Coffee table book I read, while waiting for Dawn's Sunday morning hair blowout, at salon Ginger Stylebar.
Monday, July 11, 2016
South Korea
Travel Announcements and Security
Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP)
Prescription drugs:
Pet boarding:
- Before travel:
- Complete form "Payee Setup 204"
- Request CruzID Gold, if not yet obtained (for Connexxus access, and so forth)
- Travel Advance Request (?): Complete for conference fees, etc.
- Get Departmental Pre-Approval for Your Trip
- Make Sure Your Payment Information is Up to Date
- Pick a Way to Pay for Your Trip
- Book Your Travel Through Connexxus or Another Means
- Prepare an airfare cost analysis, comparing the cost of direct travel to the business destination, to the cost of mixed personal and business travel (an example, via Mixing Business with Pleasure? > Example of a Cost Comparison, and/or Getting "There" > How to Prepare a Cost Comparison)
- Generally, airfare from point A to B (and B to A for return) is used as the baseline reimbursement for most business travel. Alternate modes of transportation will be compared to the cost of a round trip flight and its associated costs (e.g. shuttle, airport parking). You will be reimbursed the lesser of the two costs.
- Details:
- Using Connexxus or another internet booking tool, print an estimate of a round trip coach flight to your business location using the business travel dates. Include cost of transportation to and from the airport--from your home or headquarters, whichever is closer
- Attach the printed estimate to your Travel Advance Request, or Post Travel Expense form
- In the form you submit, record the lesser of the two costs and include a comment that you elected to take an alternate mode of transportation that was more expensive
- Basics:
- Direct Travel Route to the Business Destination
- Actual Travel Route to the Business Destination
- Before Booking:
- Review the travel package with the appropriate travel expense approver or departmental/divisional office to determine which costs will be reimbursed.
- Confirm with the package vendor that the receipt for the package will contain an itemized breakdown of component costs, including airfare, car rental, hotel, meals, etc.
- Travel Process: https://financial.ucsc.edu/Pages/Travel_Process.aspx
- Travel "Keys": https://financial.ucsc.edu/Pages/Travel_Keys.aspx
- Travel Forms: https://financial.ucsc.edu/Pages/Travel_Forms.aspx
- Travel Training:
- https://financial.ucsc.edu/Pages/TrainingTravel.aspx
- As of 2016-07-12, no pending classes (?)
- FAST/AP Team Member
- For assistance, locate your team from the listings below. If your unit / division is not listed, contact any FAST/AP Team Supervisor or call the FAST Help line at 459-4488.
- Ostermeier, Karen - CE (Computer Engineering)
- kloster@ucsc.edu
- 459-1094
- Travel Guide (that is, all the details):
- https://financial.ucsc.edu/Pages/travel_guide.aspx
- Before you start:
- before receiving a UCSC non-payroll payment.
- Allowable expenses:
- Baggage, checking and storage fees
- Business office expenses:
- Equipment rentals
- Purchase of materials and supplies
- Laundering, cleaning, or pressing of clothing if a trip is longer than six days
- Meals and incidentals:
- Travel is less than 30 days in one location: Reimbursement is based on US Department of State Federal Maximum Travel Per Diem Allowance for Foreign Areas
- Direct links:
- Above links to Taejon, an alias for Daejeon
- Per Diem Rates, effective 2016-09-01:
- Maximum Lodging Rate: $USD 124
- M & IE Rate: $USD 82
- Maximum Per Diem Rate: $USD 206
- Breakdown of Meals/Incidentals Meal & Incidental Expenses (M&IE):
- Get Per Diem rate, via above link
- Calculate M&IE breakdown, by table
- M & IE rate of 82 =
- Breakfast: $USD 12
- Lunch: $USD 21
- Dinner: $USD 33
- Incidentals: $USD 16
- Rail or bus travel: Rail or bus transportation may be used when required by the destination or by business necessity.
- Special fees for foreign travel: passport photographs
- Obtaining a passport, visa, tourist card, and necessary photographs
- Certificates of birth, health, identity, and related affidavits
- Currency conversion and check cashing fees
- Traveler’s checks
- Hiring guides, translators, and local labor
- Telephone calls
- Local and long distance telephone business calls are reimbursable
- In addition, one reasonably brief, non-emergency, personal call home per day is reimbursable
- Ways to Process
- Overview
- International travel:
- International trip booking is available through Connexxus providers BCD or UC Travel Center, accessible through Connexxus' Premier Gateway website
- Option 1: Search for the best deal and reserve the itinerary for 24 hours. Call BCD or UC Travel Center for an agent to book the reserved itinerary.
- Option 2: Have an agent search for the best deal. Search fee: $0 (BCD & UC Travel) Agent calls BCD or UC Travel Center Agency booking fees are contingent on the airline and complexity of the itinerary
- Travel insurance:
- Connexxus users: Travelers are automatically signed up for UC Risk Insurance for intra U.S. travel and International travel through BCD and UC Travel
- Non-Connexxus users: If you are traveling to an out-of-state or foreign destination, it is required that you register for UC-provided travel insurance through the UC Risk Services website to ensure coverage protection
- Types of Travel
- Mixed Business and Personal Travel
- should be approved in advance
- Spouse / Domestic Partner of Traveler: not allowable, as I'm not contributing significantly to the business events
- Direct Billing Process and Direct Billable Vendors
- Using Connexxus to direct bill your department for airfare can be completed by selecting "Book Now" located next to BCD Travel
- Airport shuttles
- Group travel: ???
- Air travel
- Connexxus is the preferred choice when booking air travel
- “bundled” airfare and lodging packages obtained through an Internet travel agency will only be reimbursed if the agency provides a detailed receipt or invoice that separately identifies the costs of airfare, hotel, and incidentals
- book coach or economy class airfare
- Airport parking: For travel exceeding 24 hours, lower-cost, longer-term parking options should be used
- Airport Shuttle Service
- Discounted prices are only available to UCSC employee business travelers
- See Group Travel
- Receipt and Documentation Requirements
- Note: Photocopies of receipts are not an acceptable substitute for original receipts.
- Electronic receipts are acceptable as long as the detail provided is sufficient to substantiate the expense
- Ways to Pay
- Overview
- Paying expenses for another traveler is not allowed unless it is for a shared hotel room
- Airfare Options
- Direct Billing - Select BCD in Connexxus: No
- Pay out of pocket: Yes
- Pay With UC Travel Card Via Connexxus: No
- Conference Registration
- Pay Directly By UCSC: Yes
- Pay out of pocket: Yes
- Pay With UC Travel Card: No
- Shuttle Service Options
- Direct Bill UCSC Via Specific Providers: Yes
- Pay Out of Pocket: Yes
- Pay With UC Travel Card: No
- Hotel Options
- Book Via Connexxus - Out of Pocket: No
- Book Via Connexxus - Use UC Travel Card: No
- Cash Advance for Hotel Costs: Yes
- Pay Out of Pocket: Yes
- Rental Car Options
- Book Via Connexxus - Out of Pocket: No
- Book Via Connexxus - Use UC Travel Card: No
- Cash Advance for Rental Car Costs: No
- Fleet Services Reservations: No
- Pay Out of Pocket: Yes
- Non-employees
- Post Travel Expense: Obtain reimbursement after travel concludes by completing and submitting a Post_Travel_Expense form within 45 days of trip completion.
- Travel Advance Request: For incoming travelers, payment may be made directly for lodging by submitting a Travel Advance Request form.
- Authorization and Approvals
- UC Travel Center Booking: Obtain a trip number by completing a Travel Advance Request prior to purchasing airfare from UC Travel Center
- Travel Advance Request: Submit a Travel Advance Request if requesting a travel cash advance or prepayment of an expense
- Post Travel Requirements: Report expenses after travel concludes using the Post_Travel_Expense within 45 days of trip completion.
- Post Travel Expense Report Form
- Original itemized receipts for each of the following types of expenses must accompany the Post_Travel_Expense to substantiate each expense’s necessity, appropriateness, and reasonableness
- Divisional Funding Authorizer
- responsible for reviewing and approving the report
- supervisor, department chair, or senior campus official, who has been officially delegated authority to approve the funding for the payment of your travel expenses
- Avoid these common Post Travel Expense oversights
- Not including a written business purpose for travel
- Forgetting to submit original, itemized receipts supporting each travel expense requiring substantiation
- Forgetting to forward the Post_Travel_Expense to the Divisional Funding Authorizer for review and approval
- Forgetting to reference trip number, if applicable.
- Forgetting to provide departmental account code (FOAPAL) information
- A non-resident alien forgetting to submit visa documentation, including a copy of the traveler’s visa, a Form I-94 Arrival Departure Record, or a Certification of Academic Activity Form.
- Forgetting to sign the forms
- First-time traveler forgetting to submit a Payee_Setup_204
- Other:
- CBSE: https://cbse.soe.ucsc.edu/travel
- Humanities Travel FAQ: http://humanities.ucsc.edu/about/divisional-services/financial-services/Travel/travel-FAQ.html
- August 17, 2016
- Vaccinations: None
- Passport pages: one page per entry stamp
- Tourist visa: None required for stays under 90 days or less
Travel Announcements and Security
Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP)
Prescription drugs:
Pet boarding:
- Bed & Biscuits Cat Boarding: http://www.bedandbiscuits.com/cat-boarding/
- Cats must be current with FVRCP and Rabies vaccinations
- Rates:
- ???
- Contact:
- Call us at (831) 475-1580, to make a reservation for your cat
- 2625 Chanticleer Avenue, Santa Cruz 95065
- Peace of Mind Pet Sitting: http://peaceofmindpet.com/PetSittingservices.html
- Includes mail pick-up, water plants, etc.
- Rates for Vacation Visits for homes with Cats, Birds, or Pocket Pets *Only*:
- 20 Minute Visit - $20.00 & up per visit
- 30 Minute Visit - $25.00 & up per visit
- Keys:
- We do collect 2 keys at the Free Consultation, one for sitter use and one for back-up.
- We do not allow keys to be left under mats, in mail boxes or anywhere else unsecured. We want your home and pets safe
- Key Pick up - $10 If you need us to pick up your key for scheduled services and not at the Free Consultation. We will schedule a sitter to meet you at your convenience.
- Key Drop off - $10 If you would like your key back, we will schedule a sitter to meet you at your convenience. We do not mail keys as keys have gotten lost that way.
- Lock box - $20 This is a lock box that is secured to your front door and is yours to keep, you can leave your key in there and will never leave your property. We can give this to you at the Free Consultation or Deliver one at a time good for you.
- Contact
- Phone: 831.392.8020
- Other: ???
- 2016-07-11 Passport applications submitted:
- Kevin in person, at the Santa Cruz County Clerk's Office (more than 15 years since last issuance)
- Dawn mailed, via USPS (less than 15 years since last issuance)
- ???
- Carry-on:
- Eye-mask
- Travel-sized toiletries:
- Hair brush
- Toothbrush
- Toothpaste
- Mini deodorant
- Dry shampoo (recommended: Oscar Blandi)
- Linen face blotters
- Refreshing face spray
- Electronics:
- Laptop
- Laptop Charger
- International power adapters
- Mini power strip
- Cell phone
- Cell phone charger
- Flashdrive
- Dongles which use regularly
- Any adapters needed to connect your computer to a projector
- Extra:
- Kindle
- Noise-canceling headphones
- Traveling
- Printouts
- Condense to one page; keep in wallet/passport bag:
- Flight information
- Hotel reservation (with address)
- Maps
- Location of the conference center
- Travel reason proof, for border crossing:
- Conference registration
- Talk/poster acceptance letter
- Water bottle
- Guides
- TripAdvisor
- US Department of State
- Identification
- Passport bag around neck
- Passport
- Printed copy of passport
- Boarding passes
- Conference essentials
- Business cards
- Color copies of poster (if presenting one)
- Note-taking:
- Writing utensils
- Notebook (for example, Moleskin)
- Water bottle
- Reusable travel mug
- Umbrella
- Small purse or bag (note: so don't have to lug laptop bag to dinner)
- Snacks (granola bars, fruit, nuts)
- Travel baby wipes, hand sanitizer (note: when bathroom essentials lacking)
- List of people to introduce yourself to (note: search the program online in advance, workshop, lunch, or field trip)
- Packing
- Outfits for each day, plus backup (in case of wardrobe malfunction)
- Underwear
- Socks
- Accessories: belts/leggings, jewelry
- Outdoor wear
- Coat
- Jacket
- Raincoat
- Umbrella
- Hat
- Mittens
- Shoes: comfortable, weather appropriate
- Toiletries:
- Toothbrush
- Toothpaste
- Deodorant
- Soap
- Shampoo/conditioner
- Hair products/hair dryer
- Nail clippers
- Shaving needs
- contact lenses/solution
- feminine hygiene products
- bite splints/retainers
- makeup
- medication
- ID:
- Passport
- Travel visa (if needed)
- Wallet
- Debit/credit cards
- Talk:
- Backup (!)
- Poster (with print-outs, in a poster tube with your contact info)
- Good to have:
- Mini sewing kit (for lost buttons, etc.)
- Travel laundry bag (these are great)
- Books, papers, or files you need to work while you travel (or finish your talk)
- Location of lodging, conference center, flight information, transportation itineraries, etc.
- Before you leave:
- Notify credit card companies of where and when will travel
- Resources:
- https://contemplativemammoth.com/2011/07/21/inqua-2011-part-1-packing-for-a-conference/
- http://thewirecutter.com/reviews/travel-guide/
- http://www.onebag.com/
- Wikitravel: http://wikitravel.org/en/Daejeon
Saturday, July 09, 2016
Have you ever seen the rain?
Heard this Creedence Clearwater Revival song, from from 1970 album "Pendulum", on the Fantasy label, in two different formats, simultaneously, last weekend:
Heard this Creedence Clearwater Revival song, from from 1970 album "Pendulum", on the Fantasy label, in two different formats, simultaneously, last weekend:
- Album version, playing over speakers, at Marini’s Westside, 332 Ingalls St., Santa Cruz
- Acoustic guitarist, playing an amplified cover version, on the outdoor patio of MJA Vineyards Westside Tasting Room & Cellar, 328-A Ingalls Street Santa Cruz
Coincidence : ) Different tempo, key, and so forth.
Monday, July 04, 2016
Dawn dress colors
We purchased this candle:
Pacifica Tibetan Mountain Temple Soy Candle
Pacifica Tibetan Mountain Temple Soy Candle
The packaging has these colors, which Dawn would like in a dress:
RGB: 250, 117, 0
Hue/Saturation/Lightness: 28, 100, 98
Light blue:
RGB: 186, 222, 222
HSL: 180, 16, 87
RGB: 220, 227, 225
HSL: 163, 3, 89
RGB: 250, 227, 112
HSL: 50, 55, 98
RGB: 250, 170, 157
HSL: 8, 37, 98
RGB: 184, 49, 31
HSL: 7, 83, 72
RGB: 161, 119, 35
HSL: 40, 78, 63
Saturday, July 02, 2016
San Francisco Opera: Opera at the Ballpark: Bizet’s "Carmen":
San Francisco Opera: Opera at the Ballpark presents Bizet’s "Carmen":
Parking spot:
Spothero, 120 Hawthorne St. - Lot
We last saw Verdi's "Rigoletto", on Saturday, September 15, 2012. At that time, we had brats and beer, sitting in the bleachers. We parked and walked to the event, but took the shuttle back, I think. After the performance, we walked around the infield a bit.
Where: AT&T Park, 24 Willie Mays Plaza,
San Francisco, CA 94107
When: Saturday, July 2 at 7:30pmDetails:
Parking spot:
Spothero, 120 Hawthorne St. - Lot
What we consumed:
- Colossal Dog with sauerkraut
- Root beer
- Bavarian Jumbo Pretzel, salted
- Blue Moon beer
- Regular fries
- Guinness beer
We purchased a SF Opera fleece blanket. It helped, but we ended up leaving during the intermission, due to cool weather and wind.
Thoughts, for next time:
- Windy, so bundle up even more so
- Blanket
- Food
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