One of the joys of driving a 10+ years old Ford Escort LX is that it provides a new learning opportunity every few months.
On Saturday, the
Check Engine light came on. This afternoon, I stopped at Napa Auto Parts and purchased a
code reader, which returned P1443:
Evaporative Emission Control System Control Valve.
One source says nine times out of ten it's a loose gas cap.
Another source says it's a $25 purge valve part, and an easy fix.
Another: purge flow sensor, canister purge solenoid, or the vacuum lines.
damaged/blocked hose(s) between the EVAP canister, purge control valve, purge flow sensor, and intake manifold; a damaged purge control valve or purge flow sensor; or a damaged EVAP canister (least likely cause unless the canister has been cracked or smashed).P1443 - Very Small Or No Purge Flow Condition.
A fuel tank pressure change greater than a minus (-) 7 inches of H2 O in 30 seconds has occurred with purge (fuel vapor) flow less than 0.02 pounds per minute.
Possible causes:
1)Blocked fuel vapor hose between EVAP canister purge valve and FTP sensor.
2)Blocked fuel vapor hose between EVAP canister purge valve and engine intake manifold.
3)Blocked vacuum hose between EVAP canister purge valve-solenoid and engine intake manifold.
4)EVAP canister purge valve stuck closed (mechanically).
Check for blockages between the fuel tank, EVAP canister purge valve and engine intake manifold. Check obstructions in the EVAP canister purge valve diaphragm and ports.
To be continued